the "what are you currently listening to" thread

Pretty impressive since that would take 2,392,121,156,000,000 years to listen to the standard album (without Wages of Sin) that many times - that's 2.4 quadrillion, for those who didn't feel like trying to comprehend the number. That's actually longer than the earth's been around no matter who you ask - Creationist or Evolutionist.
I said that the number of times I listened to MoS is too great to be contained in a 64-bit Integer, and you think I only listened to it 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 times. You are underestimating me. And yes I created a machine which can travel in time just to listen to MoS longer...

Theocracy - I AM

Now I'm trying to do the same thing with As the World Bleeds. My goal is to listen to it a number of times greater than the greatest number you can store on a 2To hard drive.

(BTW this time you can't calculate this number because it requires a computer with at least 2To of RAM :D)
The human brain contains much more than 2To of RAM.
Okay, so we all should, at least, know by heart the first few... wait, 2^(2*10^12) decimals of PI ! :D
And be able to have a mental image of that number when we want :)

It's so strange that our brain can go into deep level of abstraction, memorize a lot of things in our lives, but we just can't learn even the first 1,000,000,000 decimals of PI (for example) x)
The human brain could, but our consciousnesses aren't wired to handle numbers like that. However, science has yet to determine a limit in long-term memory, it's just that going from short-to-long term is tricky, and only the stuff that is deemed "necessary" makes it in.

And I do know a guy that can recite pi by memory. I don't know how far, because I stopped him once he got past 100 digits because I got bored, but I do know he needed to see it first. He claims to be a sort of synthestetic - his mind associates colors with numbers, so patterns stand out to him more, making it easier to memorize numbers, or something....
Marisa Monte - De Noite Na Cama

One of the odder things I picked up on is an affection for Brazilian pop music. A Marisa Monte song came up one evening on my neighborhood radio, I've enjoyed this sort of stuff ever since, even though I haven't the slightest idea what any of the words mean. :)
Icon For Hire - Get Well

Love this song.

We throw tantrums like parties
We’re not happy ‘til everyone knows we’re sick
And that’s just how we like it
We’ve hurt bad enough, right,? We’ve earned it

Don’t tell the others but it’s all getting old
I mean how many more times must our stories be told?
And being lonely’s only fun in a group
It sort of loses its charm when it’s true
Hey, SeaStorm, could you make this thread sticky? I think that would make sense, but it's your call....;)

I don't think it's needed. It stays at the top all the time on its own anyway. Plus, it's really not a very important thread, which are the ones that should be stickied (Popular? Yes. Important? No.)