The "What are you doing RIGHT now?" thread

im fuckin tapped. havent slept yet, still tryin to study my ass off, and i have environmental bio that i have to leave for in 30 min or so. NOT FUN!!! im not gonna get a chance to take a shower before my first class, so fuck it. im so sick of comm ethics its not funny
:headbang: right now I am eating breakfast, wishing Dilema a nice day, and getting ready to go to Disneyland, the heaviest place on earth!!
^ You're going to Disneyland? Take me with you!!!

I'm just kinda reading this booklet about starting my own business since I've got myself into that mess I might as well accept it and start, ya know.
Thanks thanatopsis, you do the same (and they say that people from MA are all assholes....pfffttt.)

T minus 4 hours and 30 minutes (but i have a bio lab that keeps me from studying all day)
Goddamn! This beauty consultant thing is driving me crazy...

I'm listening to Metallica's Master of Puppets album... it's making me feel better, a little.
More chatting, more smoking, running back and forth to the guitar.
Yep, it's official. I can't stay away from him anymore and it's how it was in school; ie I'd just want to run home and play. Till I started taking it to school that is. hmmm...idea, wonder if the roomie would mine me lugging the boy to work with me? it gets slow in the back room these spring days...:D
Also in the process of cracking Warheart. I am trying not to use tabs here; so far it's a success :D
ive got to stay up ALL NIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!! ill be lucky if i dont passout during my test tomorrow.....this is gonna blow ass
thanks. i can do one night just fine....but once the second rolls around its just a fuckin drag. you also prob didnt see my post in the "i got tix" thread yet huh?
@dilema: Just saw it! Aww shucks, thanks, dude! You don't owe me anything but who am I to pass up beer!!! I can never pass up beer, which is why people who I do stuff for always offer me booze in response; they know that in the end my drinking wins out and my liver loses. :D

I'll let ya know if I am making it closer to crunch time. It's still sort of up in the air at the moment, as it's quite the haul...but we'll see!