The "What are you doing RIGHT now?" thread

listening to some Emperor, for the first time in over 2 years, the continuous bass drumming still bugs the hell out of me, and trying to think of something to do

also looking for some new bands to dl
Youve never heard that term before? i know for sure that its not just a boston thing.

Butts, smokes, bogeys, ciggs, squares, cancer sticks, marb reds, if youre in britain: fags, etc etc
well looks like im not going to the gym after all. my buddy came back and fell asleep and i just dont have the drive to go alone right now. oh well, im going to forever be a fat kid anyways, 1 day isnt going to hurt. ive got my staff meeting at 7 and then my Communication Ethics test to study for (which really means i need to learn 6 chapters of shit before tomorrow.) can you say "all-nighter?"

tomorrow night i also have to study for my Brit Lit and T.V. Production exams. TV Prod will be easy as shit but Brit Lit is going to be mostly essays so i definately need to go back and really study the material that's been covered. Can you say "all-nighter again?"

im gonna have to stock up on adderall, butts (which i have none of,) coffee, mountain dew, and caffine pills. thats what college is all about, right?
that sucks. down a bottle of nyquil and pass out. hope ya feel better you crazy bastard

im about to go out and smoke a butt (thats right a butt) and then head over to my staff meeting which will go till about 8. we have to plan out the duty schedual for spring weekend and that, my friends, is going to suck ass. i dont know if theres any good bands here that weekend (probably not) but if there is, i hope i get that time off.
@Yanko: Awwwww... I hope you feel better soon... but anyway...

*hugs and kisses Yanko*

Okay everyone... I'm in a hugging/kissing mood so if you're feeling down come to me... ;)
i´m sitting at work and i´m totally pissed that i must do the double work for some month now. my colleague has to go to another compartment of my working place tomorrow *aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhh* :(