Ruled By The Riff
I've been pretty lucky. I've had a couple friends of friends die from heroin and alcohol abuse. But none of my friends.Yeah I've seen too many mates take the wrong road. It's good when they make it back, but hard when they don't. We are all taught about peer pressure when we are kids but when drugs, especially hard drugs are involved the first hit might be peer pressure, but more often than not any subsequent hits are less about pressure of others and more about the hold the drug has.
The silly thing is I never thought of the 27 club. I'm older than him and didn't get anywhere near into the drug scene like he did, but I never thought about joining the club, yet he took it so seriously that it changed his life. I remember at the time we were sitting in the Hard Rock Cafe in Melbourne, underneath a picture of Janis Joplin sitting on her Porsche, a picture that's been in thousands of mags, and he just looked up and said, "I don't want to end up like her." We'd been binging a bit on Janis at the time, but where I was enjoying her music and life stories, his mind was telling him something completely different.
It's not my music to put up, I worked on different aspects of his stuff like album covers and production etc but he did all the music. I tried to convince him to use YT 20 years ago as an advertising platform but he didn't want it to happen and as far as I know still doesn't.
That's great that he took such meaning from the 27 club. I don't think I've ever seen that photo of Joplin lol.