What a day it was yesterday. Started out okay, I got the kids to school, reminded them that it was going to be windy and to stay away from trees. I got home just before 9am and we got hit by one of the most powerful wind storms we've ever had. Weather mob reckon the pressure was slow low here that if it had been up north it would have been a tropical cyclone (we don't get those sort of storms this far south).
The power went out at about 9am, after 12 months (pretty much) of working from home my wife gets a call to come into the office because they had power. The car was in the garage and no power, no door, so she insisted on catching the bus, lucky it stops nearly outside the house. By lunch time there was still no power and the winds were getting stronger. I knew I had to get the kids from school at 3pm so I spent ages with the roller door banging in my ear trying to disengage the motor and make it free run. It should have been an easy job but the clutch in the motor has been causing me trouble for a few years and I can't get the motor off to replace it. I eventually get the door open and the car out, figure out a way to secure the door without the motor engaged.
Sitting at the school it felt like the car is going to take off, it's a dual cab ute with a canopy and tray full of stuff so it's not a light car. Then at 2 minutes to 3 it starts bucketing down, thankfully it was only rain and not hail because with the wind that would have hurt like hell. So then I take the kids up to my parents place because they've got a tree down. We are there until 5:30 when it's time to pick up my wife. We decide neither of us can be bothered cooking dinner so we went to get fish and chips. it was so busy there we waited nearly an hour, then we get home just before 6:30 and there is still no power. Power company says they have no idea when it's coming back on and our area still hadn't been assessed. We used to have power outages all the time when I was a kid so I'm not worried, and I've set up solar/battery lights everywhere, about the only thing we couldn't do was watch TV, but still the kids kept coming up with reasons why power outages suck!. Power finally came on a midnight, wind eased and now today it's pouring rain.
But worst of all I didn't get down to the shop to check out the new releases!!