The what's going on in Thrash thread

Funny how that is the headline, yet he also cites quite a few other good reasons why they might not have been as successful.

I guess it's one of those things we'll never know because it can't be answered 100% truthfully, but I do wonder what would have happened if Baloff had stayed. What would albums like Fab Des sound like without Zetro? It's kind of like asking where Metaliica would be if Cliff hadn't died, it can't be answered.
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Wiki calls it the "Metal Minds release", it appears Metal Minds is a Polish label who I guess brought the rights and re-released it with

"Date with Hate" (Carlson, Knutson, Ward, Smith, Gilbert, Ellefson)
"Wading Through the Darkness" (radio edit)
"Wading Through the Darkness" (industrial mix)
"Cradle Me Now" (edit version)
"Wading Through the Darkness" (video)

There has been other re-releases of it, some unofficial, but none of them have had that many tracks, some haven't even had extra tracks.
Yeah those are the ones I was talking about before. Ola! :D
Quality discs. :headbang:
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Funny how that is the headline, yet he also cites quite a few other good reasons why they might not have been as successful.

I guess it's one of those things we'll never know because it can't be answered 100% truthfully, but I do wonder what would have happened if Baloff had stayed. What would albums like Fab Des sound like without Zetro? It's kind of like asking where Metaliica would be if Cliff hadn't died, it can't be answered.
Yeah there's no way to know for sure. There really are a lot of variables with Exodus. Personally I wish they could have gotten at least one more in with Paul. Although I do like the early Zetro stuff. Paul was the guy. Huge personality.
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Yeah there's no way to know for sure. There really are a lot of variables with Exodus. Personally I wish they could have gotten at least one more in with Paul. Although I do like the early Zetro stuff. Paul was the guy. Huge personality.

I reckon they should have done a DDP thing and give both Paul and Zet a chance together.
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Oh now that would have been interesting!
The best thing that came of firing Paul was that it left room for Chuck to join Legacy!

Yeah it's interesting to say something like "Paul should have stayed" because it effects so many other things.

Have you heard any of Paul's other recordings?
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Yeah it's interesting to say something like "Paul should have stayed" because it effects so many other things.

Have you heard any of Paul's other recordings?
No I don't think I have. And I've been wondering about them the last few days. It's kinda like Belladonna right? They're so good you figure they could have just made it with another band. But they didn't. I guess least in Joey's case it could be put down to timing. He had a lot going against him making it with the times changing and there being no real support for metal.

I was going to pose the question of who overall do we think had the best debut before 1988. Forget the whole Big4 thing. Although you can certainly choose any of them if you want to. But fucking hell. I don't know If I can choose just one, lol.
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I haven't heard them but I'm going to go looking for them. According to MA he only recorded (or released) 3 demos with Piranha which were not all different tracks and 1 demo with Heathen.

It's a hard question. Given that I was listening to KIMB yesterday I'd have to say that's my favourite of the Big 3 (sorry Anthrax but FOM just doesn't cut it). But top of the 80's with so many other classics is hard. We had albums like:
Kreator - Endless Pain, which is just raw fucking thrash, the song writing isn't that great, but they were still only about 17 or 18 when it was written.
Testament - The Legacy which I didn't get for quiet a few years but was surprised how good it was when I did.
Exhumer - Possessed By Fire which has some brilliant 80's thrash writing and playing.
Overkill - Feed The Fire was a classic with songs still in the set list today.
Rigor Mortis (ST) had some blisteringly good songs on it.
Sepultura's Morbid Visions was brilliantly thrashy and fast album that bordered close to Slayer type black/thrash.
Sodom also released Obsessed By Cruelty in that time.
Then we also have Aussie bands like Mortal Sin, Hobbs Angel Of Death, even Sadistic Execution.
And then there is Exodus.

Nuclear Assault, Annihilator and Vio-lence (which I didn't realise at the time had Chuck's brother playing bass) get worthy mentions. And Suicidal Tendencies also should get a mention, not for the best but for being fantastic in it's own right. Death Angel should also get a mention purely because of their age and how well put together Ultra-violence was.

Exodus was good, but as I've mentioned before I didn't really get into Bonded or Pleasures until long after they were released. I love Endless Pain and Morbid Visions for raw power, energy and riffing, but I also like every album listed. However I think if I have to list one stand out debut from the 80's it's Dark Angel We Have Arrived. That sounded so raw, so loud, everything seemed like it was turned up to the max. Don's vocals were fucking amazing and the whole 33 minutes just seemed surreal the first time I heard it. I prefer listening to their the three albums that came after the debut these days but that debut just blew things up and seemed to open a lot of doors.
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Haha, yeah Anthrax is nowhere near the list for me.

Those are all good choices! I'd just throw in Flotsam and Metal Church. But yeah there's so many good albums by so many different bands it's very hard to say just one! I'm still not sure I can do it lol. Probably easier to say who we think has the worst! And for that I'm going Anthrax.
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Oh shit I forgot Doomsday, I don't know how the hell that happened. Anthrax is definitely getting kicked out now.

I think I prefer the Reverend debut over MC, but that was 89.

Anthrax is definitely on the bottom unless someone can come up with something else, although Scott and Chuckles probably deserve a mention for SOD, it might have been racist and really hasn't stood the test of time but in the 80's it was pretty thrashy.
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I knew you were lol. Yeah. Poor Scotty.

Yeah I'm caught by my own cut off date. Because I was thinking Metal church should probably get two debuts. Oh crap. But not Anthrax! lol.:p
Alas Blessing In Disguise is 89.

Yeah I think we could throw SOD in there. You know it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I think Scott s a tool and maybe Charlie not far behind. I just don't think the songs on the debut are very good. And I wouldn't even call it that thrashy. It's kind of like they were a Judas Priest cover band and couldn't exactly get away from that style.
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I knew you were lol. Yeah. Poor Scotty.

Yeah I'm caught by my own cut off date. Because I was thinking Metal church should probably get two debuts. Oh crap. But not Anthrax! lol.:p
Alas Blessing In Disguise is 89.

Yeah I think we could throw SOD in there. You know it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I think Scott s a tool and maybe Charlie not far behind. I just don't think the songs on the debut are very good. And I wouldn't even call it that thrashy. It's kind of like they were a Judas Priest cover band and couldn't exactly get away from that style.

I've always preferred Blessing to Metal Church. It's not just Mike's vocals I think the album is better written and sounds better too.

I may not be able to pin point the last time I listened to Kill Em All and Show No Mercy but I know I haven't listened to Fistful Of Metal for years and years. I do remember a time when I used to listen to it a bit, but that was a long time ago. I often think FOM gets thrown in the 'great debut album' category as a legacy thing because Anthrax were so big at the time. It's rarely that I see or hear anyone talk about the album with any sort of fondness
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