The what's going on in Thrash thread

Hahaha. :tickled:.

Yeah that's a really good point. Money talks. And when you have enough of it and serious connections, it's almost pointless. Everyone's on the take.
Man that's pretty funny. I wonder how long it will be before they are off that MC list? Another 15?

The problem is that the media love terms like Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and Criminal Enterprises etc. I also think it suits the cops from time to time to throw those names at the media just so the general public don't forget they exist
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Just watched that Anthrax show from last week. Pretty good. Joey's voice was a little cracky at times, but he was hitting those high notes fairly well. Everyone sounded good. Especially Jon. I wish they wouldn't get in the way of that stand alone bass part in the middle of Got The Time though. And of course they had to give a shoutout to Metallica. I really wish they'd done a few more new songs.
But they had good energy as usual.

I think Joey's voice got better as it warmed up, there was a few crackles at the start that didn't sound very good, but I don't think it lasted for the whole set.

Yeah I think they are preforming pretty well as a band and they do appear pretty solid, but the whole Metalica and Big 4 talk was annoying.
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I think Joey's voice got better as it warmed up, there was a few crackles at the start that didn't sound very good, but I don't think it lasted for the whole set.

Yeah I think they are preforming pretty well as a band and they do appear pretty solid, but the whole Metalica and Big 4 talk was annoying.
It did sound better as he went. But I do think it lasted the whole set. :whistle:. It may have happened when he was shouting at the crowd though. Not necessarily singing.

Yeah man it's so tired and obvious. And all I can think of is how Lars couldn't name any song aside from a cover. :lol:
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It did sound better as he went. But I do think it lasted the whole set. :whistle:. It may have happened when he was shouting at the crowd though. Not necessarily singing.

Yeah man it's so tired and obvious. And all I can think of is how Lars couldn't name any song aside from a cover. :lol:

Oh I meant the crackle didn't last the set, he definitely got through the set well enough!

Could you image going to multiple Anthrax shows and having to listen to them talk about Metallica and the Big 4, talk about wasted air time!
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MegaDick has done it again. I'm sure he means well...actually he probably just means to make money, but he's gone and released a new crypto currency called $MEGA and made some statement about getting it and spending it if your part of the Cyber Army. I'm not a Twitter persons so I don't know how 'blown up' it became but I was reading some of the comments this morning and they are not very flattering.

Everything from people calling it SMEGMA, to comments like 'just give us the album', 'I'll never support this band again', 'and people call Metallica sellouts!'. Like I say I'm not entirely sure how Twitter works but from the links I saw in the 20 odd comments I read there was not one praising this new money grab.

Go DAVE!!!
Testament just posted on FB that they have new merch on their official site. So I go and look and the first thing I try to do is order something see how much postage is. Shock horror, amazement, jumping for joy, less than $20 for postage. So back to the store to see what I want and I spot the hoodies and damn shit and fuck nuts they've sold out!!
That sucks. What are usual shipping rates?

And I can't say I am surprised about Megadeth venturing into cryptocurrency. It reminds me of that episode of the office where Dwight creates Schrutebucks.

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$20 is cheap for shirt. Since covid stopped the majority of commercial airliners and the only services to deliver from the States we UPS Priority many site have been charging upwards of $70 to post anything.

Only ever watched the UK version of The Office. But I'm not surprised Megadeth moved to crypto either, they dabbled with NFT's a few months back. Anything to make money and not produce anything. It's basically just setting things up for the future when MegaDick wont be capable of making records. $MEGMA is a bullshit currency though, it's really no better than a gift card because by what most people are saying it's only redeemable on the Cyber Army website.
I do wonder how many of these bands, especially ones with long term members, are looking at any sort of financially stable future?(Then again, are any of us? :lol::guh:)

Wasn't it Jason Newsted who admitted he doesn't have the ability to play the old metallica songs in a live setting anymore? Eventually old age is going to catch up with them and between diminishing abilities and desire I predict more bands will go the Slayer route and pursue retirement.

I went with my better half to see her favorite band play last night, The Foo Fighters. They played for nearly 3 hours to a crowd of 5000-7000, which I think is small for them but tickets started at about $150 so they did alright. Dave Grohl and company are showing their age and noticed that looking at the tour dates that Foo Fighters don't ever seem to play shows on back to back nights, which I always see as a sign of an aging rock star.
I don't begrudge bands making money, I think that with some people like Mustaine selling wine is in poor taste, but if I was in their position I'd do whatever the hell I could to make money. I also think if they handled things right most of the old timers should be well set into the future. There will always be horror stories of what appeared to be wealthy musicians loosing money and living on the poverty line but I'm sure they are all living relatively well, or at least adapting to whatever money they do have. For newer bands it might be harder, record deals aint what they used to be but it still doesn't mean they can't live comfortably into the future. I'd imagine more small business people live closer to the poverty line and work a darn side harder to do so than many bands on the circuit today.

Newstead also said he lives off the royalties of AJFA and doesn't have to work for the rest of his life. I'm sure many a muso would love to say that especially given how long ago it was he made AJFA. The reality is if any of the bands that have been around 30+ years haven't got themselves a cushy retirement nest egg sitting somewhere, even those that didn't sell a million albums, then they have pissed their money away and it's their fault. I've been planning for retirement since I was 23, it may not have always gone to plan and things change therefore I've had to change with them but I was never going to be caught by lack of planning and these guys should be no different.

Dave and the Foos are copping shit everywhere for their vax stance, I don't know fully what that stance is but I do know they have a horror/comedy movie coming out in February called Studio 666
MegaDick has done it again. I'm sure he means well...actually he probably just means to make money, but he's gone and released a new crypto currency called $MEGA and made some statement about getting it and spending it if your part of the Cyber Army. I'm not a Twitter persons so I don't know how 'blown up' it became but I was reading some of the comments this morning and they are not very flattering.

Everything from people calling it SMEGMA, to comments like 'just give us the album', 'I'll never support this band again', 'and people call Metallica sellouts!'. Like I say I'm not entirely sure how Twitter works but from the links I saw in the 20 odd comments I read there was not one praising this new money grab.

Go DAVE!!!
I really thought there was going to be a bunch of Ellefson Smegma jokes. When I looked at it there were just Smegma jokes. I was impressed lol.

I'm done buying any merch from Dave...I almost said That Band, but c'mon. So I haven't looked into it. but it kinda sounded like, buy my currency or you can't get the really special stuff from the site?

I don't doubt the comments at all. I think Dave has finally run out of good graces this time.
Testament just posted on FB that they have new merch on their official site. So I go and look and the first thing I try to do is order something see how much postage is. Shock horror, amazement, jumping for joy, less than $20 for postage. So back to the store to see what I want and I spot the hoodies and damn shit and fuck nuts they've sold out!!
Oh holy shit. Already? Damn that sucks man!
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I do wonder how many of these bands, especially ones with long term members, are looking at any sort of financially stable future?(Then again, are any of us? :lol::guh:)

Wasn't it Jason Newsted who admitted he doesn't have the ability to play the old metallica songs in a live setting anymore? Eventually old age is going to catch up with them and between diminishing abilities and desire I predict more bands will go the Slayer route and pursue retirement.

I went with my better half to see her favorite band play last night, The Foo Fighters. They played for nearly 3 hours to a crowd of 5000-7000, which I think is small for them but tickets started at about $150 so they did alright. Dave Grohl and company are showing their age and noticed that looking at the tour dates that Foo Fighters don't ever seem to play shows on back to back nights, which I always see as a sign of an aging rock star.
I might be wrong. But I don't think it was playing the songs that are his problem. Just that he wouldn't be able to thrash around like he was before and that to him that would be giving less than 100%
Dave and the Foos are copping shit everywhere for their vax stance, I don't know fully what that stance is but I do know they have a horror/comedy movie coming out in February called Studio 666

They are making people show either vaccination status or negative covid test within a couple days of the show to gain entry. As someone who is double vaccinated and boosted and still wearing a mask nearly everywhere I appreciate the band taking the pandemic and the health of their fans seriously. In fact, I don't think I would have attended this event if there wasn't some sort of health screening process. You had to wear a mask while in line to get in the venue but after that it was anything goes. I kept my mask on for the entire show and had a great time rocking out to the Foo Fighters.