Wrong abbreviation, I'm not in an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, I'm in the OGM group of Old Grumpy Men
I understand the idea of the government who wants to crack down on motor cycle gangs and the crimes they commit, it's about safety, or perceived safety. But in reality it's a load of shit. MC's have high priced lawyers, they have contacts everywhere, they aren't all going to jail, just like they aren't all blowing up banks and shooting innocent people. Don't get me wrong, we've had a few blood baths here where innocent people did get killed but it's not a regular occurrence. If anything the gang violence that is an issue in this country is violence and home invasions done by the youth gangs who have nothing to do with motorbikes.
Although get this, there is one Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, one the authorities have on more than a few occasions called 1%ers (of the 1% of gangs who aren't abiding by the law) and none of them ride motorbikes. The origins of the gang was bikes but in the last 15 years or so they've delved further into organised crime and got rid of all their bikes but they are still considered an outlaw MC!