The what's going on in Thrash thread

Haha, I've ordered more than $1200 in parts and gadgets for my car in the last 2 weeks, all from one store, all free delivery. I'm waiting on two items, to be delivered, one of them should have been delivered on Tuesday. I just rang the store and asked what was going on and the answer I got after 10 mins on hold was. "Oh that should have been delivered, but it hasn't been, guess that's our stuff up!"

I suppose at least he was honest.
So I am a little confused and don’t remember if you guys posted this already.It’s supposedly the Japanese bonus track off of The End Of Chaos which we already know and have as the track called “Another One” but this track appears on AFM’s 25th anniversary compilation!
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But you'll need to be ready when the face tattoo bikers leave the city!

We have Mr. Face Tattoo at the kids primary school, except he looks like worm not a biker :)
There was a report a few years ago, pre-covid, that Outlaw biker gangs were moving into the country areas to make life easier because of all the new laws against biker gangs.
So I am a little confused and don’t remember if you guys posted this already.It’s supposedly the Japanese bonus track off of The End Of Chaos which we already know and have as the track called “Another One” but this track appears on AFM’s 25th anniversary compilation!

Oh shit! Yeah that's not the import track from Chaos. Awesome find man! Gonna jam it in a minute!
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We have Mr. Face Tattoo at the kids primary school, except he looks like worm not a biker :)
There was a report a few years ago, pre-covid, that Outlaw biker gangs were moving into the country areas to make life easier because of all the new laws against biker gangs.
From the story I read two months ago that's what the cops said would happen. I guess another city is either trying to or has made any face tattoo with a gang affiliation illegal. One cop told them to just put on make up lol.
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So I am a little confused and don’t remember if you guys posted this already.It’s supposedly the Japanese bonus track off of The End Of Chaos which we already know and have as the track called “Another One” but this track appears on AFM’s 25th anniversary compilation!

Man a piece of that solo sounds like it could have been straight off Doomsday!
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I wish it were a little longer.You know I’m starting to think this track is what the Japanese bonus is supposed to be for BITW.But then again I think that’s still Spencer on Bass…..I think?!!!
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From the story I read two months ago that's what the cops said would happen. I guess another city is either trying to or has made any face tattoo with a gang affiliation illegal. One cop told them to just put on make up lol.

I think we have laws against facial tattoos here. I'm not entirely sure given that it's not something I need to be concerned with, but I remember a few years ago the government wanted to do something about the huge number of people getting face tatts to ensure they wouldn't get jobs when they went for interviews. Apparently there as heaps of people that preferred a life on welfare and the pain of a face tatt, to actually getting a job.

They also made it illegal to affiliate with gangs, and one or two states even made it illegal for gangs to travel in numbers great than 3 or 4 if they wore their colours. I don't follow the rules close enough to know what they all are but I do know several months after one state made laws so strict it nearly made thinking about a gang illegal, that the Gypsy Jokers did their annual Christmas run where hoards of bikers came from all states to one location for a huge piss up and all the cops did was escort them through towns because even the cops know that trying to break up a gang of 50 bikers headed to a party of a 1000 bikers is fucking stupid!
I wish it were a little longer.You know I’m starting to think this track is what the Japanese bonus is supposed to be for BITW.But then again I think that’s still Spencer on Bass…..I think?!!!

The credits show Spencer on bass. Can't imagine the official site would release it with Spencer credited if it wasn't.
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I wish it were a little longer.You know I’m starting to think this track is what the Japanese bonus is supposed to be for BITW.But then again I think that’s still Spencer on Bass…..I think?!!!
Yeah it sounds like Spencer to me too. And I still can't tell if the import for Blood In The Water is even out yet!
Flotsam does great long songs. I wish most of them were longer lol.
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I think we have laws against facial tattoos here. I'm not entirely sure given that it's not something I need to be concerned with, but I remember a few years ago the government wanted to do something about the huge number of people getting face tatts to ensure they wouldn't get jobs when they went for interviews. Apparently there as heaps of people that preferred a life on welfare and the pain of a face tatt, to actually getting a job.

They also made it illegal to affiliate with gangs, and one or two states even made it illegal for gangs to travel in numbers great than 3 or 4 if they wore their colours. I don't follow the rules close enough to know what they all are but I do know several months after one state made laws so strict it nearly made thinking about a gang illegal, that the Gypsy Jokers did their annual Christmas run where hoards of bikers came from all states to one location for a huge piss up and all the cops did was escort them through towns because even the cops know that trying to break up a gang of 50 bikers headed to a party of a 1000 bikers is fucking stupid!
Oh so you had already gotten rid of yours? :p C'mon. We know you're a mastermind outlaw biker.

Yeah the part you're talking about with groups no larger than four was part of what I read. It may even have been no groups outright.

Wow. Yup. Cops would be asking for serious trouble I'd bet! "Right this way Mr biker sir!"
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Yeah it sounds like Spencer to me too. And I still can't tell if the import for Blood In The Water is even out yet!
Flotsam does great long songs. I wish most of them were longer lol.

Careful what you wish for, they might do and Iron Maiden and release an album where no song is under 8 minutes :)
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Oh so you had already gotten rid of yours? :p C'mon. We know you're a mastermind outlaw biker.

Yeah the part you're talking about with groups no larger than four was part of what I read. It may even have been no groups outright.

Wow. Yup. Cops would be asking for serious trouble I'd bet! "Right this way Mr biker sir!"

Wrong abbreviation, I'm not in an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, I'm in the OGM group of Old Grumpy Men :P

I understand the idea of the government who wants to crack down on motor cycle gangs and the crimes they commit, it's about safety, or perceived safety. But in reality it's a load of shit. MC's have high priced lawyers, they have contacts everywhere, they aren't all going to jail, just like they aren't all blowing up banks and shooting innocent people. Don't get me wrong, we've had a few blood baths here where innocent people did get killed but it's not a regular occurrence. If anything the gang violence that is an issue in this country is violence and home invasions done by the youth gangs who have nothing to do with motorbikes.

Although get this, there is one Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, one the authorities have on more than a few occasions called 1%ers (of the 1% of gangs who aren't abiding by the law) and none of them ride motorbikes. The origins of the gang was bikes but in the last 15 years or so they've delved further into organised crime and got rid of all their bikes but they are still considered an outlaw MC!
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Wrong abbreviation, I'm not in an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, I'm in the OGM group of Old Grumpy Men :p

I understand the idea of the government who wants to crack down on motor cycle gangs and the crimes they commit, it's about safety, or perceived safety. But in reality it's a load of shit. MC's have high priced lawyers, they have contacts everywhere, they aren't all going to jail, just like they aren't all blowing up banks and shooting innocent people. Don't get me wrong, we've had a few blood baths here where innocent people did get killed but it's not a regular occurrence. If anything the gang violence that is an issue in this country is violence and home invasions done by the youth gangs who have nothing to do with motorbikes.

Although get this, there is one Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, one the authorities have on more than a few occasions called 1%ers (of the 1% of gangs who aren't abiding by the law) and none of them ride motorbikes. The origins of the gang was bikes but in the last 15 years or so they've delved further into organised crime and got rid of all their bikes but they are still considered an outlaw MC!
Hahaha. :tickled:.

Yeah that's a really good point. Money talks. And when you have enough of it and serious connections, it's almost pointless. Everyone's on the take.
Man that's pretty funny. I wonder how long it will be before they are off that MC list? Another 15?
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Just watched that Anthrax show from last week. Pretty good. Joey's voice was a little cracky at times, but he was hitting those high notes fairly well. Everyone sounded good. Especially Jon. I wish they wouldn't get in the way of that stand alone bass part in the middle of Got The Time though. And of course they had to give a shoutout to Metallica. I really wish they'd done a few more new songs.
But they had good energy as usual.