The what's going on in Thrash thread

In this state because of covid schools have seen a downturn in students returning for the last weeks of the year. Our last term started about 6 weeks ago, we started the final term of the year with less than 50% of students on site, the rest home schooling, then the second week they got up to about 50%, then the third week it was about 80% and the fourth week 100%, but in that time nearly every school in the area was shut at least once for covid cleaning and contact tracing. Because of that about 10% of parents have decided not to send their kids back at all, they've asked for home schooling subjects but the schools have said no, unless the school is closed, which to me is fair, but these parents still think the risk is too great.

We've had a thing in Australia called School Of The Air, which has run school classes for kids in remote areas of the country via CB radio, for something like 80 years. They've got kids who have never seen a school building, barely even see other people because their closest neighbours are hours away. They've managed to teach via radio, and now satellite internet, for at least 2 generations, yet throw a fucking pandemic at the system and it collapses with school closures and the inability to continue teaching to the same level as is expected.

I dont think there is a lot of safety protocols being taken around covidnother than mask wearing. Glad I dont have to deal with it. School was fucked before the pandemic, it seems worse in some ways now. I think a number of parents enrolled their kids in the online school to dodge the mask mandate. Others chose this because it is the easiest option and they dont give a shit about their children's education.
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The weird thing now for us is that we are dropping most of the restrictions because more than 90% of the state is double vaxxed. We still have to wear masks at the shops (and stupid fucking QR sign ins) but most offices etc are masks only if people can't social distance. 12-18 years olds are now at about 85% double vaxxed so students of that age no longer have to wear masks in the classroom. But kids under 11 can't yet be vaxxed so they are the only ones who have to wear masks at school. In just under 2 years we've gone from 'kids are unlikely to get it' to making it compulsory for the same people to be the only ones that must wear masks indoor. Given the number of coughs, sniffles and bugs kids actually catch I can only imagine what some of those masks are going home at the end of the day like!
It's odd because it's not a shipping issue, even if crap from the US is still a bit slow stuff from the rest of the world is getting here within a reasonable time frame. I know there is a world wide shortage of vinyl, but as to what they think is stopping cd's and mainly metal cds is beyond me.
Once again metal gets the shit end of the stick. Typical!
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The weird thing now for us is that we are dropping most of the restrictions because more than 90% of the state is double vaxxed. We still have to wear masks at the shops (and stupid fucking QR sign ins) but most offices etc are masks only if people can't social distance. 12-18 years olds are now at about 85% double vaxxed so students of that age no longer have to wear masks in the classroom. But kids under 11 can't yet be vaxxed so they are the only ones who have to wear masks at school. In just under 2 years we've gone from 'kids are unlikely to get it' to making it compulsory for the same people to be the only ones that must wear masks indoor. Given the number of coughs, sniffles and bugs kids actually catch I can only imagine what some of those masks are going home at the end of the day like!
Lol. The Wal-Mart in this town just dropped it's mask mandate. Weird because all the other stores still have them. Anyway. It's the first day of it. I walk in, and the first thing I hear is someone lady thick coughing her brains out the entire time. I went way around. but all I could think was that I somehow traced her path exactly. :tickled:. I did have my mask on though. Screw that. I don't care how many rednecks give me the crook eye.
Lol. The Wal-Mart in this town just dropped it's mask mandate. Weird because all the other stores still have them. Anyway. It's the first day of it. I walk in, and the first thing I hear is someone lady thick coughing her brains out the entire time. I went way around. but all I could think was that I somehow traced her path exactly. :tickled:. I did have my mask on though. Screw that. I don't care how many rednecks give me the crook eye.

I think we have to wear them in every shop, but for some reason office spaces are different. The rules here are so fucking convoluted I don't think any one actually knows them all. The real pain in the arse is the QR code scan in. Some QR codes are impossible to scan so you have to enter the number manually, then a store person is suppose to ask to see the tick that says you're double vaxxed. If you aren't they are supposed to kick you out. The government has said stores are not to hire 15 yr olds for such jobs, they must use senior, experienced staff or hire security. But of course small stores can't afford that so they are doing it themselves and copping shit and abuse from so many people. It's a ridiculous system but the government just keeps ignoring all the problems and saying that we need more pandemic laws.
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So it seems that it's a thing now for some bands to list their Spotify stats when they have a good month. One thing it does show is how widely used Spotify is used for marketing from both the band and the label's perspective. I don't know if other streaming services offer the same benefits, I guess they do, but while record sales obviously still mean something in today's electronic age the instant stats they get about each song and how often it's played must be amazingly valuable to all involved for many different reasons. I don't know if these stats are publicly available, they probably are, but here's what Facebook and a quick look at Spotify told me this morning courtesy of the bands themselves.

30.2M streams
3.4M listeners
2M hours
165 Countries

47.1M streams
6.1M listeners
3M hours
171 Countries

43.1M streams
4.9M listeners
2.9M hours
168 Countires

3M streams
517.7K listeners
214.5k hours
138 Countries

Motley Crue
337.3m streams
24.6M listeners
20.4M hours
178 Countries

Dream Theatre
93.3M streams
6M listeners
9.7M hours
171 Countries

I was a little surprised how high Anthrax's figures were, but would be interested to see a song break down of those figures, maybe it's how they decide on which covers they play live :)

I was shocked a band like WASP was so high too, but what is really annoying is just how far above the rest a shitty band like Motley Crue is. Those numbers are amazing for a band that has not released anything in about 15 years and hasn't released anything popular for about 30 years. I realise those figures will be driven by the big tour that may or may no happen but it's still amazing to think that they have so much activity on their streams and they wouldn't even be a blip on some of those top 40 pop singers.
Lol. The Wal-Mart in this town just dropped it's mask mandate. Weird because all the other stores still have them. Anyway. It's the first day of it. I walk in, and the first thing I hear is someone lady thick coughing her brains out the entire time. I went way around. but all I could think was that I somehow traced her path exactly. :tickled:. I did have my mask on though. Screw that. I don't care how many rednecks give me the crook eye.
Lol. I really need to start proof reading my posts better!
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I think we have to wear them in every shop, but for some reason office spaces are different. The rules here are so fucking convoluted I don't think any one actually knows them all. The real pain in the arse is the QR code scan in. Some QR codes are impossible to scan so you have to enter the number manually, then a store person is suppose to ask to see the tick that says you're double vaxxed. If you aren't they are supposed to kick you out. The government has said stores are not to hire 15 yr olds for such jobs, they must use senior, experienced staff or hire security. But of course small stores can't afford that so they are doing it themselves and copping shit and abuse from so many people. It's a ridiculous system but the government just keeps ignoring all the problems and saying that we need more pandemic laws.
I don't think we're at the point where we have to carry our Vac cards. But it may be coming. It'll be a shitstorm though!
Don't stores have security guards for that kind of thing? For sure a teenager should not be doing it.
  • Like
Reactions: Neptune and Slammed
So it seems that it's a thing now for some bands to list their Spotify stats when they have a good month. One thing it does show is how widely used Spotify is used for marketing from both the band and the label's perspective. I don't know if other streaming services offer the same benefits, I guess they do, but while record sales obviously still mean something in today's electronic age the instant stats they get about each song and how often it's played must be amazingly valuable to all involved for many different reasons. I don't know if these stats are publicly available, they probably are, but here's what Facebook and a quick look at Spotify told me this morning courtesy of the bands themselves.

30.2M streams
3.4M listeners
2M hours
165 Countries

47.1M streams
6.1M listeners
3M hours
171 Countries

43.1M streams
4.9M listeners
2.9M hours
168 Countires

3M streams
517.7K listeners
214.5k hours
138 Countries

Motley Crue
337.3m streams
24.6M listeners
20.4M hours
178 Countries

Dream Theatre
93.3M streams
6M listeners
9.7M hours
171 Countries

I was a little surprised how high Anthrax's figures were, but would be interested to see a song break down of those figures, maybe it's how they decide on which covers they play live :)

I was shocked a band like WASP was so high too, but what is really annoying is just how far above the rest a shitty band like Motley Crue is. Those numbers are amazing for a band that has not released anything in about 15 years and hasn't released anything popular for about 30 years. I realise those figures will be driven by the big tour that may or may no happen but it's still amazing to think that they have so much activity on their streams and they wouldn't even be a blip on some of those top 40 pop singers.
Craziness. Pure craziness!
I don't think we're at the point where we have to carry our Vac cards. But it may be coming. It'll be a shitstorm though!
Don't stores have security guards for that kind of thing? For sure a teenager should not be doing it.

Ours started as QR codes that just record your phone number for contact tracing in the event a store is an exposure site. But now it's moved to the vax cert being connected to the QR code reader. The government mandated store check vax status as a requirement to opening up and giving us freedoms.

We generally don't have security guards on doors. Some stores have in store security asking to check bags on exit but they generally don't search bags. There are problem areas where there is more security than staff but we aren't in one of those areas.
My spotify wrapped revealed some interesting details:
71,000 minutes of listening
Top Genre: Thrash Metal
Top artists:
1)Alestorm - played them every day of summer while day drinking and floating around my pool!
2) Alice Cooper
3) Judas Priest
4) Iron Maiden
5)Hamilton Soundtrack - my wife applied for some serious jobs this year and I played this as her theme music to help get her pumped up.

Top Podcasts:
1) Haunted Places
2) Wait, Wait, Don't Tell me.
I wouldn't even know how to get that info. But other than Exodus and Black Label's latest albums which would have more than a few plays most of mine is probably one off songs and stuff from artists I wasn't sure I wanted to purchase.

It's interesting that your top genre is thrash but none of you top 5 are thrash.