The what's going on in Thrash thread

What do you do when you're in a band with two other guys who get all the publicity? Get one of them to take a photo of you in handcuffs so you can be cool too. :)

It's interesting to see some of the songs the big trash and metal bands play while no one is looking. Sometimes those sound check songs are better than hearing the gig. :)
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Yeah really lol One thing I know is you don't really want to get caught for anything in Texas, especially if you aren't from there.

Yeah I was surprised to see Tom knew it! There are definitely some cool stuff going on at some of these sound checks . I'd go see them doing the covers over the real band lol
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I don't know what Kerry was doing during the sound check. A few times you can see him he doesn't appear to be part of the band. Maybe they had a fight with each other and Kerry was the naughty one.
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The heading kind of sucks because lets face it there are thousands of bands making thrash music it's just that everyone wants to be different while remaining the same. But he does make some good points in the rest of the interview.

"Thrash metal fans are very loyal," he continued. "I'm not really a fan of breaking it down into subgenres, 'cause, to me, metal is metal. Whether you're in DOKKEN or MÖTLEY CRÜE or play death metal, I don't fucking care. Metal is metal and we all have the same things in common. We like it hard, we like it heavy and we move our heads to the music.

"You tell me a thrash metal record from the last ten years that wasn't good? TESTAMENT puts out quality shit. DEATH ANGEL puts out quality shit. SLAYER puts out quality shit. ANTHRAX puts out quality shit. METALLICA keep putting out quality shit. I really like 'Death Magnetic' and everything they've put out after. It's the idea of what this is all about. Even the records Rob [Dukes, former vocalist] sang on that I didn't sing on, I thought they were brutal. Some of EXODUS's finest records. I love to sing those songs now. We play some of them live."
The guy could go home every night and stab a voodoo doll of Dukes, or Tom, or Lars, rip their hair off and chant to satan to have their souls removed from the earth but he's got enough nous to not bring it into the public arena. (I'm sure he can and has over time but it's good to read that it doesn't always have to be that way).
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Metal Injection keeps calling me a dick for having ad blockers turned on so I load the site four times a day just too make them feel justified for putting up such messages. Actually MI has a reasonable reviews section every Friday, I don't use it for the review I use it to get a list of the albums out that week because it's easy and sometimes more update than Wiki release lists. Blabbermouth called me a dick once or twice for the same reason but I love reading the comments section, the blabbermouth fans are the best comedy relief ever. Bravewords page design annoys me, MetalSucks is slower with most news than the other sites.

I'm kind of surprised Steve cites MW as a band he likes. To me they are immature and a little boring. I can listen to them and I do own most of their albums but I don't really know why because to me they are a poor mans copy of DRI, SOD and the like.
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Compared to the last Slayer sound check that sound isn't real good. I clicked on it hoping to hear sound like the covers they did the other day but was let down.
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Yeah the vocals were really down in volume and hard to hear but knowing the song I could follow it and he sounded like he was hitting the right words at least, that's a start.

Is that bar down the right hand side of the screen, making this text box and the posts smaller the ads?
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A bit of Aussie trash. It's not brilliant but honestly who doesn't need their music to give them an education as well as entertainment. In case you didn't know, thrash is a verb! Come back tomorrow we'll learn about nouns :)

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