The what's going on in Thrash thread

I'm listening to a pre-production version of No Place For Disgrace and the bass on Forbidden Territories sounds like Troy is plucking each string by standing on the guitar and pulling the string up as far as he can but the bass lines on NE Terror sound like he's hitting the guitar with a hammer :)
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I'm listening to a pre-production version of No Place For Disgrace and the bass on Forbidden Territories sounds like Troy is plucking each string by standing on the guitar and pulling the string up as far as he can but the bass lines on NE Terror sound like he's hitting the guitar with a hammer :)
I think that's actually Spencer playing bass on that. No?
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I can never figure out why Labels do the things they do.

To me this sounds like a problem from Hatriot. Maybe they haven't been told a date, although I doubt it, but the date has been relatively solid for a while now yet they haven't used social media to talk about it at all. They've been very quite lately, but when they do it's shit posts about Costa mostly.
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That would be a great video! That Brady guy is always saying Lomenzo is a better bass player. Untrue. Plus, name all of Lomenzo's cool bass parts compared to Jnr's. No contest.

Jnr wrote the damn things (except all the bass lines Snr did :) ) so I can't imagine LoMenzo being better.
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I have to look. But I think it is Spencer. He had some demos floating around. I think he was even selling a disc of pre production NPFD.

According to Metal Archives it was Troy, Gilbert only turned up on the live track at the end of the album.
It was independently released with 100 copies but it doesn't say who independently released it.
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According to Metal Archives it was Troy, Gilbert only turned up on the live track at the end of the album.
It was independently released with 100 copies but it doesn't say who independently released it.
No not Gilbert. Michael Spencer. He was in before Troy after Newsted, and wrote some stuff for the album some of it it didn't get used. That's why Forbidden Territories is on the self titled disc with Spencer playing.
Spencer only has two credits on No Place. Escapr From Within and Hard On You.
Oh and why the bass for the renewed NPFD is different because Troy changed them.
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