The what's going on in Thrash thread

But wouldn't such memorabilia validate your guitar jargon better so you can pick on Wah Wah Zakk? :p

I wouldn't pay $100+ for a book he's singed unless it was something that meant something to him, a tour itinerary really doesn't seem that important to the guy. Maybe I don't judge signatures as valuable enough, but to me it's just not worth it. Now if I had a book and he signed it in front of me it would be worth more than $100 to me, but I'm not buying something he signed for someone else.
Same here. Not to mention that some of these aren't signed at all and they still start at $100.
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I can't can't keep up with the rules here myself!

Nah I can't either, we had some announcement today that ours are going to be more relaxed as of Friday, but I don't take much notice of what they are. I think one of the changes will be kids in from ages 7-11 will no longer need masks when they return to school next week which was kind of stupid given they were the only ones that had to wear masks.
Several of our leaders have said pretty much the same thing to justify relaxing of rules. I do agree it's time to get on with life and stop all the restrictions. We've got to learn to live with this just like we live with other bugs and viruses. I don't care about international travel or cruise ships, but others do so that's their choice. We can't keep doing lockdown, we can't keep retarding the economy and masks should be a personal choice not a government choice in a vaccinated society.
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Several of our leaders have said pretty much the same thing to justify relaxing of rules. I do agree it's time to get on with life and stop all the restrictions. We've got to learn to live with this just like we live with other bugs and viruses. I don't care about international travel or cruise ships, but others do so that's their choice. We can't keep doing lockdown, we can't keep retarding the economy and masks should be a personal choice not a government choice in a vaccinated society.
I didn't know a pandemic came with a time limit. :)
I mean it ain't over yet . And yeas things are better. But new variants are still popping up. Although media coverage has died down a lot. I might agree if so many people had done what they should and gotten the vaxx. But I don't think it's time to have no mask rules on public transportation and flights where people are smooshed in together. I do understand it's much harder on people that have kids that are in school. But I don't think it's time yet. The school where my sister teaches in Germany is flush with it because they relaxed all their rules. She said most teachers are out and she only has a few students to teach because most of the classes also got it.
Personally I wouldn't lift things yet. but I can understand why some do.
I don't know if you guys watched that Testament show. I haven't finished it yet. But it's pretty cool to hear Dave's take on the old songs. I'm not sure he's ever played them before. Cool to have Low in the set and Souls Of Black. During Night Of The Witch Chuck was zooming around, arms out. It was funny. It's still bugging me though they are piping in the end volume swells and squeals on Night Of The Witch.
I didn't know a pandemic came with a time limit. :)
I mean it ain't over yet . And yeas things are better. But new variants are still popping up. Although media coverage has died down a lot. I might agree if so many people had done what they should and gotten the vaxx. But I don't think it's time to have no mask rules on public transportation and flights where people are smooshed in together. I do understand it's much harder on people that have kids that are in school. But I don't think it's time yet. The school where my sister teaches in Germany is flush with it because they relaxed all their rules. She said most teachers are out and she only has a few students to teach because most of the classes also got it.
Personally I wouldn't lift things yet. but I can understand why some do.

Black Plague had a time limit, they didn't know it at the time but although it's still with us it's not the killer it was 100 years ago.

If new variants became worse then governments have the power to reinforce rules as needed. Even though we have disgruntled people who hate government rules the vast majority of people here follow the rules for their own safety so re-introducing any rules will not be an issue if it's proven they are needed. Our vaxx rates are something like 98% double vaxxed and 88% triple vaxxed, although kids are lower, but isolation rules are stopping all sorts of things from happening. Something like 75% of all workers in isolation are there because they are close contacts who test negative to the virus. It's causing food shortages, hospital shortages, trades shortages and while many areas are struggling to get labour many are still loosing their jobs. With regular testing, sensible isolation and vaccinations we can fix a large portion of those problems.

The media keep telling us that schools all over the country are shut, kids are all coming down with the virus and record numbers of teachers are also getting sick. But the truth is there are more than 1500 government schools in this state and the most that have been shut at one time since January is 12. 14M RATs (rapid antigen tests) have been handed out to school kids, however something like 85% of kids who have been into forced isolation haven't contracted the virus.
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I don't know if you guys watched that Testament show. I haven't finished it yet. But it's pretty cool to hear Dave's take on the old songs. I'm not sure he's ever played them before. Cool to have Low in the set and Souls Of Black. During Night Of The Witch Chuck was zooming around, arms out. It was funny. It's still bugging me though they are piping in the end volume swells and squeals on Night Of The Witch.

Nah I haven't had a chance to watch anything yet. I did watch the first song of the Testament one and got a little put off by the camera angle
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Black Plague had a time limit, they didn't know it at the time but although it's still with us it's not the killer it was 100 years ago.

If new variants became worse then governments have the power to reinforce rules as needed. Even though we have disgruntled people who hate government rules the vast majority of people here follow the rules for their own safety so re-introducing any rules will not be an issue if it's proven they are needed. Our vaxx rates are something like 98% double vaxxed and 88% triple vaxxed, although kids are lower, but isolation rules are stopping all sorts of things from happening. Something like 75% of all workers in isolation are there because they are close contacts who test negative to the virus. It's causing food shortages, hospital shortages, trades shortages and while many areas are struggling to get labour many are still loosing their jobs. With regular testing, sensible isolation and vaccinations we can fix a large portion of those problems.

The media keep telling us that schools all over the country are shut, kids are all coming down with the virus and record numbers of teachers are also getting sick. But the truth is there are more than 1500 government schools in this state and the most that have been shut at one time since January is 12. 14M RATs (rapid antigen tests) have been handed out to school kids, however something like 85% of kids who have been into forced isolation haven't contracted the virus.
The problem. At least here is that once the government does lift things it's very hard to put them back in place. It's hard enough to pass and enforce them in the first place with all the morons and deniers and denying morons .It would be a real fight.
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Yeah I can see that. Your whole country is too divided to make anything easy. I'm not suggesting it will be easy here either, but compliance with the rules was fairly high here, something like 98% or higher even up to the end when we became the most locked down state in the world. We made world news on a number of occasions because of riots and protests, we even had the dumb fucks in New York protesting for us at one stage, but the truth was the numbers who did protest was actually quite low. Rallys of less than 2000 people, blown out by the media to be over 10K (which is still relatively small) and like so many other protests here many of the protesters were actually career protesters paid to turn up to any protest to make the numbers look worse. (Sad that there is such a job but that's life I guess).
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Yeah some judge just decided a few days ago that the mandate on airlines couldn't happen. The Govt is appealing it. Good luck lol.
Wow what a job. Smh.

Yeah I heard about that. I don't even know if that could happen here. We did have some lawyers threaten to take the government to court over the lockdowns, pushing hard that they were doing it for the sake of businesses and people going broke but it never made the court room. Mind you on the other side of the coin only something like 15% of the fines from lockdown and masks mandates were ever paid too and the government isn't chasing them which should be easy money for them.
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