The what's going on in Thrash thread

I haven't listened to a lot of Tankard. Which songs or albums do you recommend?

Age takes its toll, I imagine his voice needs more rest time. 20 years ago when Ozzy had his show I remember he was bitching at his wife for scheduling shows two nights in a row.
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I haven't listened to a lot of Tankard. Which songs or albums do you recommend?

None if you're a grown up :) They are the original drunk as fuck thrash band and as such their lyrics are often a bit childish, or funny if you're also a bit childish :)
I've always loved The Morning After but it was the first album of theirs I bought. Zombie Attack, One Foot In The Grave, R.I.B., A Girl Called Cerveza, and Stone Cold Sober (for the cover of Centerfold by J Geils Band) are my faves.

Age takes its toll, I imagine his voice needs more rest time. 20 years ago when Ozzy had his show I remember he was bitching at his wife for scheduling shows two nights in a row.

For sure, and he's put his body through hell for the last 30 years with his drinking. It can't be easy taking the stage every night and knowing you've got to do it for the whole week. I'm not as old, and I don't run around a stage but my fitness tracker tells me it's going to take me 82 hours to recover from my 90 minute ride each morning. Fuck knows how long I'd need to recover from a gig where I sing and player guitar! :)
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Spinning Exodus' new album today. I find myself returning to this often. :kickass: The Years of Death and Dying has some killer solos.

Too soon to rank this album? I think it might make my top 5 Exodus albums.
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Yeah it's definitely got some great stuff on it. I think the time Gary spent away from Exodus helped him focus on what Exodus really needed to be.

I've been taking a deep dive into early German thrash again, bands like Rage, Pyracanda, Violent Force etc. Shit they had some good bands back while the rest of the world was focused on the American Thrash scene.
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Thanks for the recommendations:kickass: Been spinning thrash all day. Exodus, Vio-Lence, Coroner, Sabbat. Pre-gaming for tonights show! :lol:

I hope Redfly and Neptune build a bridge and get over it and return to the forums.
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No worries :) I did a deep dive into American Thrash a few years ago and found bands I'd heard of but never listened to, but with German bands I'm finding bands I've never even heard mentioned anywhere. Not all are great, but a band like Rage has 23 albums and I've never listened any of them.

Winter is over they might be out laying under the sun in their tighty whities, working on their tans!

Enjoy the gig. I hope the sound is better than that Exciter video I posted above. It wasn't terrible sound but it seems to me bands where the drummer is the singer nearly always have poor vocal sound on stage.
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It is always nice to come across an unknown gem when deep diving for bands. A band I have been listening to on/off for the last decade from Brazil is Torture Squad. They have released quite a few albums but I never see them get mentioned or discussed.

Show was great! The wife came along so we went to dinner first and ended up missing Lich King. Exciter sounded great and had lots of action in the pit, crowd surfing, and even stage divers during their hits Violence and Force, I am the Beast, and Iron Dogs. They announced it was their first time ever playing in Boston and did not disappoint.

Coroner was amazing! Great sound and they played songs from all their albums including Masked Jackal, Semtex Revolution, Serpent Moves, and Reborn Through Hate. Crowd got moving in the mosh pit during the first song and it must have gotten out of hand because security dragged/pushed a couple guys out of venue which caused the moshpit crowd to calm down. Must suck to get tossed during the first song of a band that rarely plays in the United States.

Overall it was a memorable night and I feel fortunate to have been able to see Coroner live! The venue is cool and they seem to book a lot of metal shows.
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Going by my internet history I haven't listened to Torture Squad. I'll give them a listen today.

Lich King have had some good/silly songs, but they haven't seemed to have progressed from an opening band.

It's good to see bands like Coroner and Exciter still getting around but it's even better knowing that they aren't just a nostalgic act playing for old time sake.
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From what I read they have six songs complete, two more with 'missing parts' and they hope to write one more.
30 years between albums it better be a good one :)
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Geez they sound good for a band that haven't done much for so long.
The vocals sound almost the same as they did 30 years ago!
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My wife commented afterwards that she has never seen me enjoy myself at a show the way I did for Coroner. They are one of my top all time favorite bands with a near flawless discography. I never thought I would see them live and they just sounded perfect, especially the guitar solos. Kudos to Coroner and the sound guy at the venue. :headbang:

I joked afterwards that they are going to have to close that club down because no one is ever going to top Coroner's performance! :lol:
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I was reading someone's review of the Philly show. They'd never heard of Lich King but were impressed enough to want to seek out their albums. They thought Exciter was excellent but really only seemed to marvel at the fact that the drummer sings. They only knew Coroner's first two albums and were totally surprised to see a keyboard player, but were somewhat impressed by a guitar solo mid-late set. But they really loved Vio-lence and think the sun shines out Sean's arse and that he's the best front man in metal.
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Opinions will vary. I ducked out after Coroner because I had my wife with me and she had work the next day. Never been a big fan of Violence - the vocals don't do it for me.

Saw that the same venue is advertising shows for Wilderun on 6/10/22 and then Deceased about a week later. :kickass:
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I like Vio-lence but you're right Sean's vocals aren't the best. Eternal Nightmare is a classic thrash album but it's because of the music not the vocals.

The only band I know of touring here in the next few months is Alestorm. I'm sure there is others but I can't remember who they are. We've got quite a few local gigs happening and I know international acts are coming back I just don't remember who. My wife is taking our eldest to My Chemical Romance next year some time, she asked if I wanted to go and my excitement was hard to hide, but damned if it isn't happening on the same day I have to sort out my sock drawer!
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