Just gave Kreator a listen, here's my thoughts.
I've always thought Millie is an exceptional vocalist and this album is no exception. He always seems to have the right amount of angry and his voice is pretty much prefect for thrash. It's also a voice that's been at the forefront of thrash for 40 years...and dare I say it, better than many of the bigger 80's thrash bands still going!
On first listen I may not rate it the 9 Metal Injection did, but I do think the angryguy's review was pretty harsh. I don't think the back half of the album falls away, I think it's still heavy and thrashy for it's entirety. There is some mid-paced stuff in there which Kreator has been known form and Dying Planet does slow things down a bit however I think Millie's been slowing things down for years and different songs and it's still worked well.
To me the song order feels wrong, although that is after one listen, maybe further listens will change that. But it does kind of feel like it starts out really hammering with Hate Uber Alles and ends a bit slower on Dying Planet, but the songs in between go up and down in tempo. Whereas maybe if the order was different it would be more of a natural progression from Hate to Planet. I don't know that's only spit balling from one listen.
I did read a comment on another forum that some people want Terrible Certainty II or Pleasure To Kill II and they hate any sort of progression with Kreator. I do tend to agree with that in some aspects, but overall I think more people are becoming accepting of Kreator's change providing they never go back to that weird industrial/noise/nu metal phase of the early 2000's.