The what's going on in Thrash thread

Interesting. I like Kreator being anthemic but they don't always do it right. I like the three singles I've heard off the album but the rest of the album does sound like a bit of a let down. Interesting that Metal Injection gave it a 9, almost makes you wonder if the two sites listened to the same album. Still it's been 40 years since Kreator started maybe 3 good songs is all we can expect :)

Oh well I read today that Sodom is bringing a new album to the plate in 2023, lets skip ahead to that one!!
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Oh well I read today that Sodom is bringing a new album to the plate in 2023, lets skip ahead to that one!!

And totally skip over the new Megadeth album? That doesn't sound like you, Slammed! :lol:

Saw that Flots and Jets posted on FB they can't make a show in Europe due to customs not letting one of the band in due to his passport expiring in 75 days or some bullshit. Sucks for them.

I will give Kreator a chance, they are one of my favorite bands. New Sodom in 2023 is intriguing. I thought their last one was a step down from the previous couple albums.
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It's been so long coming I keep forgetting Megadeth have an album coming :)

Yeah apparently a valid passport in the EU is one that doesn't expire in less than 90 days. That's weird, I would have thought a passport was valid up to the date it expired, but having never held a passport I'm no expert.

I'll still buy Kreator when I'm out today, if it's at my local, if not I'll order it when I get home. Sodom has had so many band changes it's hard for them to keep sounding the same. 30 years since Tapping the Vein and the short surprise set they played the other day showed promise but it wasn't with the current members.
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Yeah I believe it's still slated for July.

I thought bands had management and tour managers for those sort of things. I realise the final weight lays with the passport owner but I still thought someone in the touring party would have been up with the rules.

I managed to get Kreator but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Had to buy a new microwave this morning so I've spent the morning cleaning up and making space for it.
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After one listen of the new Kreator I have to say it seems like they have fully embraced the midpaced songs with focus on melodies and harmonies but the riffing is still there! :kickass: Reminds me of a continuation of Phantom Antichrist. I need to give it more listens to fully digest but I like what I hear so far! :headbang:
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Just gave Kreator a listen, here's my thoughts.
I've always thought Millie is an exceptional vocalist and this album is no exception. He always seems to have the right amount of angry and his voice is pretty much prefect for thrash. It's also a voice that's been at the forefront of thrash for 40 years...and dare I say it, better than many of the bigger 80's thrash bands still going!
On first listen I may not rate it the 9 Metal Injection did, but I do think the angryguy's review was pretty harsh. I don't think the back half of the album falls away, I think it's still heavy and thrashy for it's entirety. There is some mid-paced stuff in there which Kreator has been known form and Dying Planet does slow things down a bit however I think Millie's been slowing things down for years and different songs and it's still worked well.
To me the song order feels wrong, although that is after one listen, maybe further listens will change that. But it does kind of feel like it starts out really hammering with Hate Uber Alles and ends a bit slower on Dying Planet, but the songs in between go up and down in tempo. Whereas maybe if the order was different it would be more of a natural progression from Hate to Planet. I don't know that's only spit balling from one listen.

I did read a comment on another forum that some people want Terrible Certainty II or Pleasure To Kill II and they hate any sort of progression with Kreator. I do tend to agree with that in some aspects, but overall I think more people are becoming accepting of Kreator's change providing they never go back to that weird industrial/noise/nu metal phase of the early 2000's.
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Good review!

I need to give it some more listens. I think I the vocals and tone of the guitars are strengths. It is unfair to expect another Pleasure to Kill. I have enjoyed their evolution and their recent albums are superior to what the Metallica and Slayer crew presented.
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I haven't counted (1 because I'm not anal enough and 2 because I can't be fucked), but there are stories suggesting Ventor has dropped his drumming down by 10bpm on the songs they do play from Terrible Certainty. The suggestion is that he can no longer drum that fast and therefore Kreator must slow down for him. Mildly interesting if true, but it's also 36 years since Terrible Certainty, I reckon if he's only dropped 10bpm he's doing fucking incredible!! :)

Nearly everything is superior to Metallica :) But I do agree their evolution, apart from a few years in the middle has been great. I still think maybe the songs on this album are in the wrong order, although I'm not sure what order they should be in, but overall I still think this is up there around the 8/10 mark.
Haha, there is an article on Bravewords today (multi-part article actually) talking to Eric Peterson and of course the Gene/Dave thing comes up again. Every time the topic comes up things vary a little bit. In an article with Gene the other day he was very diplomatic saying that both the band and him had different schedules and it was unfair to hold Testament back or have them go with a fill-in drummer. In today's article Eric says Gene wanted them to move shows around and reschedule to fit around his shows here and there. Neither suggest the split was anything less than amicable but the different recounts as each interview comes out is going to ensure that in 10 years time the Gene/Testament spilt rivals that of the Dave/Metallica spilt in the 80's :)
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Neither suggest the split was anything less than amicable but the different recounts as each interview comes out is going to ensure that in 10 years time the Gene/Testament spilt rivals that of the Dave/Metallica spilt in the 80's

Lets not resort to hyperbole, Slammed! All those music and metal news websites really have to scrape the barrel to come up with stories to stay relevant.

Did you see that review of Maryland Deathfest in the GMD section? The guy praised Destruction as the best performance of the festival. I pressed him for some more details and he went as far as to say that Destruction was better live than Overkill, who are now better live than Exodus!

Destruction may be better live but I definitely think Exodus is more popular, at least in the United States.
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They scrape even harder when it comes to one line of news and a full page article. There was a podcast a week or two back where the podcaster claimed Dave Murray could be the first to leave Maiden and retire. No evidence, just a bunch of ideas from a guy who knows how to make a pod cast. So far on M-A forums the 'discussion' is up to page 3 about how Dave is or isn't quitting. It's pretty funny.

I did read that and wondered what he was thinking. I guess we all have our views based on the bands we like, but what I found interesting was that pretty much every other review I've read from people who were at MDF didn't even mention Destruction.
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I'm sure they are multimillionaires but I guess it's not about the money for them and they are still receiving great reviews for both the album and their live shows.

It's like KISS (although Gene and Paul do say it's about the money and lots of it), if the fans keep coming and they can keep doing it then why retire. People can argue all they like about bands going on too long, for some people most of the iconic bands should have retired 20 years ago. Maiden are selling out arenas. If it were me I'd certainly not consider retiring just because of some lost fans.
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I like Maiden but am not part of their cult following. They can still pack an arena and the fans line up to buy the shirts even at $40. Crazy to think they have been doing it for 40 + years! Plus they have the success and funds to make travelling the world and playing metal a enjoyable experience.
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I feel the same about many bands. I wouldn't pay to see Metallica, I probably wont even buy any more of their albums. I probably wouldn't pay to see Megadeth these days having seen them a number of times in the better days. I don't even think I'll bother checking out the logistics of getting to Maiden when they finally reschedule here. But I don't begrudge the bands from touring and making new music.

Logistically any tour is a PITA for me to get too and therefore I'm rarely keen make the journey so my opinions are based on a different level to the way many people view it but I'll still watch live shows if they are dropped on YT.
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I don't mind leaving the house in darkness, weather permitting I go for a bike ride at 4am most days. But I do object to a three hour drive, paying for a bed, and then paying for 90 minutes of entertainment, only to have to drive home again.