The what's going on in Thrash thread

Haha rock stars!

I don't know or care who Chris Barnes is but come on calling DM any name is so yesterday. This guy must have been the only one not to have done it and he's feeling left out.

Edit: From what I can see the thing that set him off didn't have anything to do with him it was between Mustaine and someone else and it was settled before Chris opened his yap.
Geez that site really is just a trolling rag
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Geez that site really is just a trolling rag

Yeah it is but the argument had little to do with the site. CB was the one who called DM out for saying something against some else. Dave did start it and I wouldn't be surprised to see that the guy from Metal Blade figured it was easier to agree with Dave and apologise than it was to make a scene, no matter who was right but CB coming in to the guy's defence who didn't appear wanted defence in the first place is a bigger joke than anything MI reproduce from other websites.
They do a good Christmas one. Maybe New Years too

Yeah I've seen some of the Christmas ones, but Halloween is more suited to Slayer and the only thing more suited to Halloween than Slayer would be Helloween.
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Yeah it is but the argument had little to do with the site. CB was the one who called DM out for saying something against some else. Dave did start it and I wouldn't be surprised to see that the guy from Metal Blade figured it was easier to agree with Dave and apologise than it was to make a scene, no matter who was right but CB coming in to the guy's defence who didn't appear wanted defence in the first place is a bigger joke than anything MI reproduce from other websites.
Oh, no. I just think it's funny to picture their staff monitoring all the Twitter and FB stuff day in day out just waiting for something lol
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Oh, no. I just think it's funny to picture their staff monitoring all the Twitter and FB stuff day in day out just waiting for something lol

I don't really know how such social media works but I guess if these journos follow musos they get this shit delivered too them. Every post and every rant, all they have to do it screen shot it and their article is half written. It must be a hell of a job some days when the Twitterverse is going stupid with some star having a public brain fart and they have to go through it all as well as sort through the normal amount of shit that comes in from the other thousand stars they follow in hope of something happening.

Gone are the days of any of these sites actually finding their own stories. MI , Blabber and Bravewords are really no better than central sites to get headlines, they all have basically the same articles and the site authors do little more than change the headings. They are convenient for seeing which bands are in the news (and for giving me a laugh over breakfast) but that's about it, there is no skill or ability in what they do it's pretty much just cut and paste.
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Helloween would be more of a Happy Halloween, Slayer's probably more slasher Halloween.

Yeah but if you made a slasher Halloween scene in front of your house the PC crowds of this world would probably have you lashed and stoned to death.
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Oh yay Youtube censorship!!

Not sure if it's YT censorship or if as one of the commenters suggested that it's to do with whether the uploader wants money for the views but it makes this song suck. Even Mustain's solo gets censored!
The new Cavalera Conspiracy album is definitely shaping up to be what Sepultura should have become instead of what they did become.

If I ever pre-ordered CD's I'd have this on pre-order.
Oh yay Youtube censorship!!

Not sure if it's YT censorship or if as one of the commenters suggested that it's to do with whether the uploader wants money for the views but it makes this song suck. Even Mustain's solo gets censored!

It's self censorship. Tea doesn't want to offend his Lemonade sugar daddy :D
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Must be a hell of an effort required to sing with so many self censored breaths, he should get an Oscar for it.
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Yeah it's not bad. It doesn't sell me on the album but it's not bad. He said before he wasn't going to listen to the new Metallica or Testament until his album was done. I wonder if he'll listen now?
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