The what's going on in Thrash thread

That sounds reasonable, seems to be only one EP from them at this stage but there is a couple of YT videos. I'm going to check them out later.
I have the first Soulfly album because I got it on a 2 for the price of 1 with something, but I reckon I've listened to it less than 5 times. The CC stuff is ok but could probably be condensed into 1 maybe 2 good albums. Reading the MI review (among others) that suggest this album is the closet thing to an original Seps album as we are likely to get has me hopeful for something good.
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If Kirk had never left Exodus I don't think Exodus would have been as good as they are. Kirk can play but I don't think he was what Exodus needed.
And if Kirk hadn't joined Metallica we probably wouldn't have a Megadeth.

So in reality we probably should thank Kirk for allowing two better bands than his to go on to bigger and better things, the guy was a visionary!
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So I listened to the new Annihilator album and I have to say I don't hate it.
There is heaps of reasons for it but the CD does sound different to the YT videos they released and that's a good thing.
The opener sounds fuller and even a bit heavier/angrier and that is carried out mostly through the album.
There is a few hints of old school Annihilator in most of the tracks but it's not there all the time as some of the interviews might have suggested.
For me the vocals are a bit of a let down, they aren't terrible but at times I really don't think they suit the song.
I still don't like Pieces of You and not just because in parts it sounds like it could be on an extra track on Metallica's black album.
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Well that wasn't an overly productive weekend all I managed to achieve was listening to Annihilator, listening to the two Terrifer albums and reading Brucey's book.
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One of those weekends, although my excuse was because it was warm, pushing towards 100 in your scale, it's not even summer yet.
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Jnr doing his own cover songs.

Sure it's not great but it's still interesting to hear. I've read a few comments about how Jnr looks uncomfortable and he's unhappy doing the song but given his label signed the band playing I think there is some Megadeth fans out there a bit butt hurt that Jnr isn't doing what they want.
Jnr doing his own cover songs.

Sure it's not great but it's still interesting to hear. I've read a few comments about how Jnr looks uncomfortable and he's unhappy doing the song but given his label signed the band playing I think there is some Megadeth fans out there a bit butt hurt that Jnr isn't doing what they want.

For a second I thought I might like this. Exactly one second after the vocals started it was over.
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