The what's going on in Thrash thread

I forgot that was being released today, I've been up for more than three hours and haven't gone looking for the new track!

Rob can still hit the high notes for a guy that's in his mid 60's and been doing it for more than 4 decades.

Looking forward to the album
I'm with you. I forgot about Corrosion.
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I'm not sure I ever liked them

I had a quick listen to some of their stuff on YT and they sound like a typical 80/90's hardrock band with a few hints of something heavier but they weren't the sort of music I'd buy in this day and age.
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I saw some pics and videos from New England where the flooded roads were frozen and the light house was froze, something about a massive storm. Is that where you are?
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When is COC due?
Phil Campbell in 2 weeks too I think.
I thought it was Friday? Maybe I'm wrong. I should probably look. I'm really surprised at myself. Corrosion being one of my favorite bands and I've been waiting all this time for Pepper to come back. And I never pre ordered the box set or anything. That first song they released just didn't do it for me. but I will get it and I'm sure it's really good.

COC comes out the 11th
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I saw some pics and videos from New England where the flooded roads were frozen and the light house was froze, something about a massive storm. Is that where you are?
I'm not right on the coast. But yeah Neptune and I are in the middle of this freeze lol. It's supposed to be negative 20 tonight. I went outside this morning and it was almost instant pain. Just raw man.
Of course the dirty tick dropping deer I saw in my front yard had no problems lol
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I'm not right on the coast. But yeah Neptune and I are in the middle of this freeze lol. It's supposed to be negative 20 tonight. I went outside this morning and it was almost instant pain. Just raw man.
Of course the dirty tick dropping deer I saw in my front yard had no problems lol
Yeah that would’ve been the Boston area,18” Of Sea water due to the storm surge.Just brutal!!!Suppose to warm up a little bit next week though.
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Man I'm glad it's you, I hate the cold, hate the snow, hate having to wear more than a t-shirt and shorts. Even working 10pm to 10am when I was driving the truck I used to wear shorts all year round despite the rain and the temps dropping below freezing. Cold sucks!

Frozen sharks would be good, in the cyclones up north last year they had bull sharks swimming in the main streets of some towns and when the water receded the furthest inland they found a shark, in fresh water, was about 3 miles.
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Yeah it kind of sucks lol but I do like the way it looks and it's more peaceful because everyone is inside trying not to die.

If they found a shark in fresh water within a hundred miles of me I wouldn't go in any lake or pond! Not that I do much of that anyway.
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Snow and ice does look peaceful but the subconscious always says "fucking cold" and the subconscious wins :)

We used to fish for gummy shark and seven gilled shark and we used to surf in the same ocean as we fished in. It's one of those things you stop thinking about. Most of the sharks we caught were too small to do major damage but I guess that doesn't mean there wasn't big ones out there because there is still maybe 5 shark attacks a year in this country.
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I can’t get the Fucking stream to play on my phone or laptop,you?My phone brings it up but won’t play and my laptop’s browser doesn’t support it............Fuuuuuuuuuuck lol!
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The link works for me, goes to YT and shows a screen with his face. Under it there is a blurb that says something about starting at 4pm pacific time (whenever that is) and there is a chat box rolling on the right. I don't know if there is any sound and the red loading bar shows fully loaded and the word Live. I assume that's working.
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The link works for me, goes to YT and shows a screen with his face. Under it there is a blurb that says something about starting at 4pm pacific time (whenever that is) and there is a chat box rolling on the right. I don't know if there is any sound and the red loading bar shows fully loaded and the word Live. I assume that's working.
It eventually worked but now I don’t have the time lol!
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Snow and ice does look peaceful but the subconscious always says "fucking cold" and the subconscious wins :)

We used to fish for gummy shark and seven gilled shark and we used to surf in the same ocean as we fished in. It's one of those things you stop thinking about. Most of the sharks we caught were too small to do major damage but I guess that doesn't mean there wasn't big ones out there because there is still maybe 5 shark attacks a year in this country.
Sure if you grow up with that stuff you get used to it. But in my mind no matter how many attacks there aren't I always think. It just takes that one shark on that on day that just feels like it lol..aren't seven gilled sharks really ancient? Bad Slammed ;):D
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