The what's going on in Thrash thread

Sure if you grow up with that stuff you get used to it. But in my mind no matter how many attacks there aren't I always think. It just takes that one shark on that on day that just feels like it lol..aren't seven gilled sharks really ancient? Bad Slammed ;):D

Yeah there is some truth in that, we didn't grow up with a beach in the back yard like some of the movies suggest but we all went to the beach. Surfing and fishing have always been a big thing and even people who don't do either know someone who does, but when it comes to sharks in the water it's really no different to walking around the farm and knowing there has to be snakes somewhere in the grass. If you think about it too much you'd go insane and never leave the house.

I don't know how old seven gilled sharks are but along our beaches them and gummys are the easiest to catch, they mainly eat crabs and there is millions of those fuckers out there to use as bait. About the only sharks we catch off the beach that we have to throw back because they are protected are Port Jacksons but that's okay they taste like shit and should be thrown back.
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Yeah there is some truth in that, we didn't grow up with a beach in the back yard like some of the movies suggest but we all went to the beach. Surfing and fishing have always been a big thing and even people who don't do either know someone who does, but when it comes to sharks in the water it's really no different to walking around the farm and knowing there has to be snakes somewhere in the grass. If you think about it too much you'd go insane and never leave the house.

I don't know how old seven gilled sharks are but along our beaches them and gummys are the easiest to catch, they mainly eat crabs and there is millions of those fuckers out there to use as bait. About the only sharks we catch off the beach that we have to throw back because they are protected are Port Jacksons but that's okay they taste like shit and should be thrown back.
Yeah there is some truth in that, we didn't grow up with a beach in the back yard like some of the movies suggest but we all went to the beach. Surfing and fishing have always been a big thing and even people who don't do either know someone who does, but when it comes to sharks in the water it's really no different to walking around the farm and knowing there has to be snakes somewhere in the grass. If you think about it too much you'd go insane and never leave the house.

I don't know how old seven gilled sharks are but along our beaches them and gummys are the easiest to catch, they mainly eat crabs and there is millions of those fuckers out there to use as bait. About the only sharks we catch off the beach that we have to throw back because they are protected are Port Jacksons but that's okay they taste like shit and should be thrown back.
Yeah I'm just saying, if they want to they can lol Personally I don't eat anything that comes out of the water haha
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Yeah I'm just saying, if they want to they can lol Personally I don't eat anything that comes out of the water haha

Seriously? I think if I took that approach I'd rather look at it as, fish swim around in free flowing water which they are able to filter through their gills, even if they do shit and fuck in the water it washes away. Livestock prefer to wallow around in the mud and shit of their own making, they crap in their own water troughs and crap in their dams and when it suits them they stand ball deep in the water they drink.
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The sea can have a stench to it depending on how much crap is in the water but all livestock stink, hosing out the cow sheds after milking will have any sane person wishing they were swimming in fish shit, mopping out the slaughtering rooms is enough to turn someone vego. However dead smells like dead no matter what the animal, a dead seal washed up on the beach doesn't smell that much different to a dead cow left in the paddock for too long.
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You could be right, I didn't know there was something to "get" I was just making conversation.
Fish fuck in sea water, that's why the sea smells like it does.
Land based animals drink the water they shit in that's why they stink.
Human's have a stink all of their own that overpowers the lot.
Probably wont get much of a listen here but I'm looking forward to the new Heidevolk album on Friday.

I still think the guy is a dick of the highest degree but he does make some good points. The media, including the music media, is full of racial, political based stories and it's only a matter of which side of the fence you sit on as to which ones you agree with or want to be outraged by.

His reference to 'bloggers' is about right though. There really is no journalists these days they are just bloggers writing stories any one can write based on interviews other people have done. Sadly to get news about your favourite bands these sites are a necessary evil because not all bands maintain their own websites and social media feeds well. But not one of the sites that ever gets linked here is more than a blog and there is a thousand more of them doing exactly the same thing just waiting for a bit of stardom the main few have got.
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You could be right, I didn't know there was something to "get" I was just making conversation.
Fish fuck in sea water, that's why the sea smells like it does.
Land based animals drink the water they shit in that's why they stink.
Human's have a stink all of their own that overpowers the lot.
Ok Mr over explainer of everyday things everyone knows about lol
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I still think the guy is a dick of the highest degree but he does make some good points. The media, including the music media, is full of racial, political based stories and it's only a matter of which side of the fence you sit on as to which ones you agree with or want to be outraged by.

His reference to 'bloggers' is about right though. There really is no journalists these days they are just bloggers writing stories any one can write based on interviews other people have done. Sadly to get news about your favourite bands these sites are a necessary evil because not all bands maintain their own websites and social media feeds well. But not one of the sites that ever gets linked here is more than a blog and there is a thousand more of them doing exactly the same thing just waiting for a bit of stardom the main few have got.
I don't think Phil is a dick I just think he's done some dickish things. He comes off to me like he has a big heart but did some stupid things over the years. Substances or not.

So I read some of your roads are melting. That's hot!
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I don't think Phil is a dick I just think he's done some dickish things. He comes off to me like he has a big heart but did some stupid things over the years. Substances or not.

So I read some of your roads are melting. That's hot!

He may not be any bigger of a dick than Scott Ian is lately and other than his white power thing I haven't seen anything the guy has done since he toured here and got in trouble for his nazi speech but I've never been a fan of him or Pantera with him.

Our melting roads made international news? Surely roads melt in other parts of the world? It wasn't even on the hottest day of the weekend that the news reports talked about the melting highway.
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He may not be any bigger of a dick than Scott Ian is lately and other than his white power thing I haven't seen anything the guy has done since he toured here and got in trouble for his nazi speech but I've never been a fan of him or Pantera with him.

Our melting roads made international news? Surely roads melt in other parts of the world? It wasn't even on the hottest day of the weekend that the news reports talked about the melting highway.
Honestly I think you're missing some very good songs. But that is obviously your choice

Yeah they sure did lol. My dad sent it too me. The only other place I've heard of roads melting is Hawaii. But that's because there's lava on it!
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