The what's going on in Thrash thread

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Yeah, it's very Sabbath which I guess is fair enough given he's pretty much toured Zakk Sabbath for the last 2 years.
Music aside I really like the film clip for Room Of Nightmares and there is a promo shot for the album with the grim reaper sitting on the bog with a can of air freshener.
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Hmmm the plot thins...

There was a thing on Blabber today from Jnr where among other things we've heard before he said that Snr may well do the production again. Maybe that is the news, it's as news worthy as everything else in the press right now.
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This just popped up on FB. No no message just the pic and the link not sure if it means there is going to be some announcement on Monday or if Vic is just having a snooze.

Another post on FB now has a similar themed photo with what might be a white sheet with the words Peace Sells spray painted on it. Comments on FB claim they are related to them releasing the video for Lying In State tomorrow
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That's probably it. They already had the big tour and the next albums been talked about. I think it's the only thing left.

Has to be right, last time I looked at the FB page no one had disagreed with the poster :)
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As much as I liked NA in the early days I am a little happy Dan's not trying to make them something they aren't. The EP in 2015 was ok but it wasn't anything new or stunning. I reckon the same idea stands for SOD, they haven't got anything new and wonderful so releasing something that is just a new version of what they were doing in 1985 isn't needed. Brutal Truth might be different though.
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