The what's going on in Thrash thread

To be fair the reports have only stated 'last tour' Kerry and Tom might have studio plans.
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What is with all the morons on blabber always saying things like musicians should have no political point of view. Do politicians not impact their world as much as anyone else's? Have they not heard of the 60's and the cultural revolution? Do they not understand that artists bucking the system with counter culture is why they enjoy so many of the things they have now? If not musicians then who?
Frankly I think these people are just terrified of having their opinions challenged. And if you can't handle that then your opinion is probably based on shit.
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I don't know how it could be kept quite this long if there were.

Slayer and Anthrax are booked for most of this year, Megadeth is busy "tentatively" until 2019, and Metallica would probably want everyone to fit in with whatever they are doing. I think if they could organise it the gigs would be 12-18 months away at least.
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What is with all the morons on blabber always saying things like musicians should have no political point of view. Do politicians not impact their world as much as anyone else's? Have they not heard of the 60's and the cultural revolution? Do they not understand that artists bucking the system with counter culture is why they enjoy so many of the things they have now? If not musicians then who?
Frankly I think these people are just terrified of having their opinions challenged. And if you can't handle that then your opinion is probably based on shit.

I don't really care about political bias from musicians in song, I can even at times listen to songs that I don't agree with but I don't think awards shows, (Ocars/TV award shows are bad for it) are the place to tell people what to think. I get a bit sick or reading about people like Scott Ian, Gene Simmons etc going on and on about it but I can ignore them as much as I can ignore any one. However looking at the interview with Millie from Kreator today I can also agree with his idea that he doesn't feel the need to use his music to make a political stance.

The biggest problem I see these days is that making a statement is too darn easy, the pollies of this world (all flavours) make it too easy to write stuff about them.
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I don't really care about political bias from musicians in song, I can even at times listen to songs that I don't agree with but I don't think awards shows, (Ocars/TV award shows are bad for it) are the place to tell people what to think. I get a bit sick or reading about people like Scott Ian, Gene Simmons etc going on and on about it but I can ignore them as much as I can ignore any one. However looking at the interview with Millie from Kreator today I can also agree with his idea that he doesn't feel the need to use his music to make a political stance.

The biggest problem I see these days is that making a statement is too darn easy, the pollies of this world (all flavours) make it too easy to write stuff about them.
Are you talking about the Flynn article? I didn't actually read it because I can't stand him lol. But I did skim the comments and that was most of what I was reading. I agree award shows aren't the place and every person with an outspoken personality isn't smart. I'm just talking the absolute rigidity of their attitudes that gets me. Music can be a powerful tool for change.
That was one of the downfalls of the 80's hard rock bands wasn't it? People sick of bands that did nothing but write songs about chicks and parties?

Oh! Mille lol yeah I don't have a problem with a band not being political or taking on social issues.
Plagues are cool too lol

And you're right that is a big problem today as anyone and everyone can make a big statement and it's out there instantly. No matter how stupid.
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Are you talking about the Flynn article? I didn't actually read it because I can't stand him lol. But I did skim the comments and that was most of what I was reading. I agree award shows aren't the place and every person with an outspoken personality isn't smart. I'm just talking the absolute rigidity of their attitudes that gets me. Music can be a powerful tool for change.
That was one of the downfalls of the 80's hard rock bands wasn't it? People sick of bands that did nothing but write songs about chicks and parties?

Oh! Mille lol yeah I don't have a problem with a band not being political or taking on social issues.
Plagues are cool too lol

And you're right that is a big problem today as anyone and everyone can make a big statement and it's out there instantly. No matter how stupid.

I wasn't actually referring to any article (other than the Millie Petrozza one later in the reply) but these days there is so many of them it wouldn't be hard to find one.

I think there was a serious push towards writing songs with more meaning than some of those bands did in the 80's and political topics had to come up because of it, just like topics such as wars and religion had to come in to it. I think the problem exists not so much because an artist sees the need to share, not even because others feel the need to comment (good or bad) but because some feel the need to attack either the band or those willing to comment. I don't even care if people call out others (Scott Ian Vs Phil A for eg) but there is no need to call them out more than once and no need to force the opposite agenda upon the person who clearly doesn't want it.
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