The what's going on in Thrash thread

Cool man, I didn't realize it's been 20 years!

I didn't realise they had been playing so many Euro festivals over the years.

That Waken gig is not a bad gig, there was a few forgotten words but the power seemed to mostly be there.
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This is probably the only article I've seen on MI in all the years it's been going that has any credibility.

I remember our local used to have a sound meter that tripped at 127dB, trip it once get a warning, twice power off for fie minute, three times and the power to the stage went off for the rest of the night. If we got caught bypassing it we'd get in the shit and if the gigs went past 1:30am the neighbours complained. One gig we got warned at 117dB three times and the following day they venue got more than twenty complaints about excessive noise. The following week a pop diva with a high pitched voice, broke the 127dB barrier in warm up so they turned the meter off and let her play all night without it. She didn't get a single complaint about volume. Different music is always going to appear a different volume, but ear plugs are not a sign of weakness.
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Because NB are even more inept than I thought?

Oh I hope I get to listen to it!

So they have only just sent it despite it being available for a week or so?

Considering the doomsday clock was two and a half minutes to midnight this time last year you might just squeeze a listen in
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This is probably the only article I've seen on MI in all the years it's been going that has any credibility.

I remember our local used to have a sound meter that tripped at 127dB, trip it once get a warning, twice power off for fie minute, three times and the power to the stage went off for the rest of the night. If we got caught bypassing it we'd get in the shit and if the gigs went past 1:30am the neighbours complained. One gig we got warned at 117dB three times and the following day they venue got more than twenty complaints about excessive noise. The following week a pop diva with a high pitched voice, broke the 127dB barrier in warm up so they turned the meter off and let her play all night without it. She didn't get a single complaint about volume. Different music is always going to appear a different volume, but ear plugs are not a sign of weakness.
No they're not a weakness they're smart. The musicians are protecting their hearing...mostly. My friend swears by them at shows. You can still hear fine it just blocks out the dangerous frequency (Kenneth) and the noise.

God the double standards are such bullshit. Fuckin neighbors lol
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So they have only just sent it despite it being available for a week or so?

Considering the doomsday clock was two and a half minutes to midnight this time last year you might just squeeze a listen in
They are really bad, they don't even say things are delayed I had to email them and ask what was up. A couple other issues as well.
They don't even say anything. I had to email them ask them what was up. They are all over the place with their information!

It really does seem like some labels these days are promoting people downloading their music illegally.
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No they're not a weakness they're smart. The musicians are protecting their hearing...mostly. My friend swears by them at shows. You can still hear fine it just blocks out the dangerous frequency (Kenneth) and the noise.

God the double standards are such bullshit. Fuckin neighbors lol

I agree , I always had the attitude that no band was worth my hearing loss. Even back in the 90's when only a handful of bands were starting to wear protection I was wearing them where I knew the volumes were going to be high.

We have an on going problem in this country with people who move in near an airport and then bitch that it's too noisy and the airport should be moved :)