The what's going on in Thrash thread

I don't know these guys. How long have they been around?

One album in 90 and one in 92 I think it was. Must have been hard work influencing all those bands because then they needed a rest for nearly 30 years.
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Wow ya that's not worth it. The one they had left was $75 for us I'm not sure if the foil one was more or not.

Actually it's not that bad. Euro conversion used to be crap but I just had a look at the $75US one and it's actually about $10 cheaper for us to buy it with Euros. But I'm still not paying $100 for any fan pic no matter how good it looks.
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Holy crap lol

There's been a few bands come back recently from very long hiatus. I'm looking forward to both Sacred Reich and Exhorder doing something new, although I not getting overly excited about either recreating the good old days. It was like when Viking came back a few years ago. Their early albums were absolute killers then No Child Left Behind was a good album and had one or two really good songs but the album didn't catch the true essence of what they used to be.
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There's been a few bands come back recently from very long hiatus. I'm looking forward to both Sacred Reich and Exhorder doing something new, although I not getting overly excited about either recreating the good old days. It was like when Viking came back a few years ago. Their early albums were absolute killers then No Child Left Behind was a good album and had one or two really good songs but the album didn't catch the true essence of what they used to be.
There's still a couple I'd love to see. or one lol. Wrathchild America, I would be so happy.
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Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing WA reform, but then I'm still waiting for bloody Dark Angel!!
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Given they haven't played many gigs for a while they aren't doing too bad on that stage.
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Man the Dark Angel thing is stretching on.

Yeah it has been, they have been playing gigs and those gigs are all over the place, but news of an album is almost forgotten and they generally ignore all questions related to the album on FB too.
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Bit more of a straight down the line metal anthem for the soldiers from JP this time.
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