The what's going on in Thrash thread

Sweet! gotta check it out in a bit. Waiting for new album news from them!

Production like all the Wacken stuff is quite good but the sound is a bit low for me and I also think Mike struggles with the vocals a little bit at times. Although he's getting old maybe I'm unfair. Crowd doesn't appear as big and angry as I expected though, was obviously an early gig.
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Yeah who knows? there are so many factors for a singer that can bring down a performance. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because most of what I've seen from him has been very good.
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Yeah who knows? there are so many factors for a singer that can bring down a performance. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because most of what I've seen from him has been very good.

Yeah overall he sounds pretty good although in Badlands there is a few notes I think he gets stuck on.
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It says this one is new for the upcoming album. It repeats the first song I posted after

There has been some interesting MA songs. Some of the line ups have been killer line ups and the songs well chosen.
A new album might be beyond Jnr though, he's got a great album to make with Megadeth, an album with Frankie B and coffee to sell.
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I look forward to any line up hey have, not sure I'll like everything but just hearing different members play together interests me.
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Haha as soon as I saw that I knew there would be a bunch of American's up in arms about it. The guy's a mouthpiece, his music is shit and his band has very little going for it but like Mustaine he knows how to use his mouth to get attention.

Personally I don't see why American's get upset, there is just as many American's happy to shit can Canadians about anything and everything if they get a chance. It's no difference between us and the Poms. We shit can them every chance we get and they come back with their own insults. Taking offence only lets the other side know they have won. If anything this is just payback for the way South Park treated Canadians.
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No you're right he just called our entire country lazy welfare recipients. no offence taken...
It's not about winning it's about a fucking moron with a shit band making excuses for having a shit band.

Generally I've never heard us bag on Canada. South Park creators ARE Canadian.
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I just don't see any reason to get so triggered by what one guy said whether it's about one person or a whole country. Who really cares that one foreigner thinks you're all lazy, laugh at what he said, call him a dick and celebrate by never buying his albums.

Australia is over run with spiders, we all ride kangaroos to work and and those of that don't look like Mick Dundee are all lazy beach bums. Poms are all whingers that have blue balls because their temperature never gets above freezing. German's are all beer swilling monkeys, Kiwi's root sheep. Generalisations aren't worth getting upset about. SJW's of the world will unite, make funny comments about what Lips said and then in a day or so there will be something else to be offended by, must easier to laugh at it in the first place.
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I just don't see any reason to get so triggered by what one guy said whether it's about one person or a whole country. Who really cares that one foreigner thinks you're all lazy, laugh at what he said, call him a dick and celebrate by never buying his albums.

Australia is over run with spiders, we all ride kangaroos to work and and those of that don't look like Mick Dundee are all lazy beach bums. Poms are all whingers that have blue balls because their temperature never gets above freezing. German's are all beer swilling monkeys, Kiwi's root sheep. Generalisations aren't worth getting upset about. SJW's of the world will unite, make funny comments about what Lips said and then in a day or so there will be something else to be offended by, must easier to laugh at it in the first place.
I am laughing! I'm not sitting here pissed off. That doesn't mean I give him a pass either. every country makes fun of others. That's not what this is. And to be fair I think Canadians bag on Canada more than anyone. In the states we mostly make fun of other states.
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Triggered explains what happens perfectly and is less offensive that telling people to harden the fuck up.

Since when is any apology worth anything? Our dickhead PM said sorry to the aborigines for something that happened 2 generations ago and only a small percentage of the country currently alive witnessed. Trump apologises, no one believes him. Anselmo apologises and only a select few fans believed he meant it. Lips apologises and he knows no one is going to believe him but he's made the apology which is the media savvy thing to do.
So your saying no one ever apologize huh? That should make for a great world..maybe it did mean something to the Aborigines. Have you asked them? You're speaking for a lot of people there lol
Trump apologized?
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No I said apologies made by people in the media never mean what they are suppose to.
I didn't need to ask the aborigines anything, he wasn't apologising for the aborigines, he was apologising to the aborigines on behalf of white settlement of which neither him, or me were apart of.
You seem to be making a way bigger deal of this because it was aimed at America, or is it because he's Canadian?
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I'm not making a big deal about anything. Do you even know what you said? because that isn't it. Actually sounds like you're the one with the hurt on. Lol. What the hell do you care if he apologizes to them? Obviously he wasn't apologizing for them, I don't know where you got that from.