The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's an interesting cover, I've got the original by Angel Witch but I'd never heard Exodus do it because it's on some Japanese bonus release or something. We usually have to wait until a band tours or about 12 months for bonus tracks to be added to a release here and not all albums get the treatment so it's impossible to tell what is worth waiting for and what isn't.
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Japanese versions we do have to order in, but record labels often re-release popular albums 12-18 months after the initial release with a few bonus tracks. Then after five years or more if an album has been really successful it might get a re-release with a collection of extra tracks. There is often no rhyme or reason as to which albums get it, sometimes it's anniversary albums, some times it's tour albums, sometimes it just appears random, but the one thing it never is is predictable. I've got a few Australian tour EP's that were added to albums and I picked up Dark Angel's Leave Scars and Time Does Not Heal in "special" black covers with 5 or 6 live tracks on them from Amazon a few years back. I was a bit pissed off the live songs were songs already released on different EP's and compilations but I got the CD's to replace my LP's and the black covers are kind of cool.
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Yeah I thought so and given they were only about $15 I thought they were a bargain to replace the LP's
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Not sure what to say.

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According to FB it was taken on the 99 Risk tour.

Jnr looks like he's just breaking pubity.
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I can't believe Jnr looks so young. Snr is of course a lot younger there too but his face has always had the same features no matter how old he's got.
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