The what's going on in Thrash thread

I'm not sure what Jr did counts as walking away. Dave dissolved the band. Then Jr sued. And then he said he said. Who knows what really happened.
But it seems to have worked out for everyone.
I don't really know how things like that work here either lol.

It is weird to say that he had to do it to keep a friendship. It sounds like a one sided friendship in that respect.
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Yeah walking away might have been the wrong term, but you're right, no one knows what really happened....until they start commenting on social media then they know more about what happened than those involved.

One way or another you'd have to suggest that whatever happened they resolved it amicably but what is amicable to them may not be the same for all. Dave does come off as being the one who gained the most but maybe Jnr's sky fairy told him that's okay and lets face it Jnr's not waking up each morning trying to figure out where his next dollar is coming from.
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Oh everyone on blabber knows what really happened! ;):tickled:

Jr seems like a really good guy. I hope it wasn't a situation of it was either take the deal or you get nothing. But even if it was you're right Jr's probably not hurting. He gets to keep going and doesn't have to slug it out and can do all those other things just for fun. And besides Jr doesn't have a daughter with a country to pay for.
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Yeah Blabber really is the ultimate source of wisdom :)

As Jnr said he rediscovered his love for music playing with other people and bands. Being away from Megadeth gave that back to him. I see that as a good thing because as much as Megadeth might still have everything pass through Dave what Jnr is writing today is, at least in part, because he's been able to grow as a musician. Whether Dave gets invited to things like Metal Allegiance or not is beside the point, from most reports people are lining up to play gigs with the band Jnr helped start, that's gotta be worth a lot of happiness in himself even if not in others.
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Yeah I know people who aimed for the top and when they got there they forgot who they were and who helped them get there. Likewise I know people who were happy to aim a bit lower while keeping the top in sight who were down to earth and easy to get along with. It's not the same for everyone but being at the top isn't always easy.

I know a guy who wrote a song called the Best Dressed Man In Town which was basically about how his dad dressed in a suit and tie everyday, got paid a lot of money to sit in a high rise office looking at a plant on the window sill, but had almost no life. Whereas he dressed like a hippy and spent his day playing music and always had a smile on his face, therefore it wasn't always the best dressed man who was the happiest. I always thought there was something very right with those words. But then he went and wrote a song called Sleeping Her Way To The Top which he one day admitted (while drunk) was about his sister, so maybe not all over his word were full of wisdom :)
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I'm kind of like that without the musical talent. I dress like I'm homeless half the time, wear shorts 80% of the year and really never aimed for the top of anything. If I could have slept my way to the top I might have tried though.
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You pretty much have no choice but to wear shorts 80% of the time right?

I do, but normal people don't :) Winter starts in a few days and the first two days of this week would have been lucky to peak at 50. The winds are coming up from Antarctica, they are strong and bringing the rain and cold weather. It's not drought breaking rain but it is good rain, however we could do without the winds. I've been wearing shorts up until Sunday but they might have gone away for the next month or so now unless we get some weird global warning weather anomaly that sees us getting a bit warmed.
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I've just started my shorts wearing days lol. Should be good for a few months.

If the wind hadn't picked up I'd still be wearing them. When I used to work night shift in the truck I wore them all year, but this current weather pattern is bloody ridiculous. I don't know how people put up with snow :)
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I wasn't sure about this album when I heard it was coming, but I think I might give it a listen when it's released. I've enjoyed some of the stuff Jnr has done over the years and there might be some potential with the songs and the artists.

Not worried about the sampler, it's a good marketing thing for the label, Motorhead's label in the 80's and 90's and there was the occasional good song on them, but not worth paying extra for.
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If the wind hadn't picked up I'd still be wearing them. When I used to work night shift in the truck I wore them all year, but this current weather pattern is bloody ridiculous. I don't know how people put up with snow :)
Yeah I love snow, but I love it less and less each year. It doesn't even knock the ticks back anymore.
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I wasn't sure about this album when I heard it was coming, but I think I might give it a listen when it's released. I've enjoyed some of the stuff Jnr has done over the years and there might be some potential with the songs and the artists.

Not worried about the sampler, it's a good marketing thing for the label, Motorhead's label in the 80's and 90's and there was the occasional good song on them, but not worth paying extra for.
Shit for a second I thought Chris had guested on Megadeth's album and I got all happy lol.
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I wasn't sure about this album when I heard it was coming, but I think I might give it a listen when it's released. I've enjoyed some of the stuff Jnr has done over the years and there might be some potential with the songs and the artists.

Not worried about the sampler, it's a good marketing thing for the label, Motorhead's label in the 80's and 90's and there was the occasional good song on them, but not worth paying extra for.
Finally some people smartened up and put AK on the record \m/. I really don't understand the deal with people using that DMC guy on their stuff though. WTF does he bring to the table? Rob Dukes did stuff with him too and it sucked. It was exactly what I thought it would be.
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