The what's going on in Thrash thread

I know it's in the Blabber article. Not sure about BW. A lot of times they don't actually use much of the interview.

The BW article was mostly pictures from memory. I'd check again but we've had no internet for 12 hours and I'm scared to use it too much in case it breaks again :)
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I hope they can pull it off too. I was mixed on the Countdown one. I liked it but I did think there was some low points during the show.
Yeah I was at that show. It was competent but lacked something. Heart maybe. I'd feel better about this if Chris was still on guitar. I like whats his face ;) but ever since he said he only kind of tries to do the solos the way they were written I have no faith.
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!2 hours? ARG!

Given some of it was in the middle of the night it wasn't so bad.The annoyance is not having a phone because the two systems rely on each other. We do have mobile phones and we aren't old fuddy duddies who wont use them but we are suppose to have a land line too and that's what most people ring first. Really sucks for businesses who rely on electronic transactions, it also sucks because they don't tell us why.
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Yeah I was at that show. It was competent but lacked something. Heart maybe. I'd feel better about this if Chris was still on guitar. I like whats his face ;) but ever since he said he only kind of tries to do the solos the way they were written I have no faith.

I think it was probably one of their better live performances of recent times but you're right it was lacking something. I also think there was quite a bit of hype around it that may not have been fully justified because of whatever it was lacking.

There is some really good songs on Youthenasia so I think there is potential if the band pulls it together.
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I think it was probably one of their better live performances of recent times but you're right it was lacking something. I also think there was quite a bit of hype around it that may not have been fully justified because of whatever it was lacking.

There is some really good songs on Youthenasia so I think there is potential if the band pulls it together.
Yeah I think it's really good album, not one of their faster ones but they played their asses off and it flows from beginning to end.
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I finally gave up my land line a year and a half ago. That's weird they won't tell you why it's down.

Given I work from home and it pretty much costs me nothing to have I don't really care about keeping the land line but most of the people who ring on it are scam calls, we can get those calls three times in a hour. The people I feel sorry for are those who have health monitors are stuff (like old people) who take a fall and their alert system doesn't work because the landlines and the net are down.

The problem here is that the ISP's provide the net, but there is a higher ruler (government entity) overseeing the whole lot. The higher power never admits fault and they blame the ISP but even when it's wide spread and multiple ISP's go down at once no one seems to take responsibility, therefore no one really wants to say what the issue is in case they admit fault. It's partly because business have been trying to sue teclos for loss of business when their service goes down, but also just because it's a shit system
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Yeah I think it's really good album, not one of their faster ones but they played their asses off and it flows from beginning to end.

Yeah it does flow really well and it doesn't really need the speed to make it flow. Even when they play the songs live amongst other songs from the catalogue they do fit quite well together.
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Exodus have a post on FB advertising a gig at ComicCon in San Diego for July and the ad shows Gary in the shot. Not sure if he's got a reprieve from Slayer for the night or if they are just using stock photos with a few new edits.
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Exodus have a post on FB advertising a gig at ComicCon in San Diego for July and the ad shows Gary in the shot. Not sure if he's got a reprieve from Slayer for the night or if they are just using stock photos with a few new edits.
That's a very good question. I doubt they printed up band photos with Kragen. But they could just edit Gary out of the shot if he's not going to be there. Hmmm, I'll be interested to see what happens there.
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It's a shot with all of them standing above the bridge. I've seen a similar picture used a lot but I didn't think the picture I remember has Gary with a beard. I could be wrong and the one they are using has just had it's background edited.
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Yeah they use that pic for the bio on their website and Gary does have a beard. I'll be less lazy than I was going to be and just post it lol

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BB has signed a post on the Overkill FB page which is a tribute to some guy he's referring to as Big E. Not sure who the guy is but it seems he was known to a lot of people in the metal community. There is a line about hitting the strobes and foggers so I don't know if the guy was a tech or something. He's pictured wearing a jacket with four patches on the chest, Big E Overkill Exodus and Lights.

Exodus haven't posted anything as far as I can see.
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Yeah I saw that on the Overkill website. I don't know who he is either. It just says road crew. I hope he can get the money he needs. Health care here is fucking sad. And I'm broke as a joke. Curious if Zetro will mention this.
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Do people there get any sort of health care from their employee? Although I guess if he was working for both Overkill and Exodus he was an independent contractor so that might not be an issue.
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