The what's going on in Thrash thread

Do people there get any sort of health care from their employee? Although I guess if he was working for both Overkill and Exodus he was an independent contractor so that might not be an issue.
It all depends on the company. I know I never had it with any place I worked for and some places I was there for close to a decade.
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We don't get it either, but we have a free public system that works relative well and a private health system that only the rich can afford
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We've had free universal health care since '75, it does work and there is kinks in the system but no government system is ever perfect. We can still wait in the ER for 10 hours only be sent home. We can still wait months for non-life threatening surgery, but people aren't dying because of the system.
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Yeah we've got pollies retiring on $300K per year with a gold card that gets them priority everything from free medical to free air travel
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It's funny I never saw that as any kind of issue. I liked Jason and thought that if they turned his bass up he could have played more of a role in Metallica. I loved his voice on the live shows and I reckon his solo album was pretty cool. But I really didn't see much of the Metalli-hate for F&J. I think we missed a lot of it in the media here because Metallica toured and stayed in the news whereas F&J didn't. I can see where they are coming from though.
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Jason was great for them live. I'm not really sure what he means by curse either, true Metallica did some dirty shit and were also dicks to a lot of bands. But long term curse I'm not sure exactly what he means. I know MCA wanted them to be their Metallica, maybe he just means expectations.
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I think Larz and James were dicks to a lot of people because success made them pricks, but I also think Larz drove a lot of it because I believe he was raised to think he was better than everyone around him. I wonder if the curse is that people kept saying things like F&J are only known because of Jason joining Metallica, comments like that have to annoy the shit out of the band, but at the same time to other bands it would make then drive harder and push for something else. I guess people think differently about "curse" and right now it's a good headline :)
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Agree, Lars was always entitled. But it also kinda seems like Lars and James together were dicks from the get go (Dave) not that maybe he didn't deserve to get booted ,but the way they did it was a massively dick move. Probably a lot does have to do people saying they're only known because of Jason. I know it annoys me :). All in All I think Flotsam is by far the better live band for the last 25 years and as good as them always. And yes. Great headline. I bet Blabber couldn't wait to get that out lol.
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Sometimes it appears that James is lead by Lars, but there is no ignoring that James has done some really douchey things in his time as well.

Yeah I don't know how many people really say that about Jason and F&J now, but I do know it was a fairly common thing in the years after he left. How much it hampered them I really don't know but even with Jason having writing credits on their first it's not like he's had any responsibility ever since then. I do think it's been more of a media driven attack than a fan attack though.
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Funny thing is that I only had Doomsday on a second hand tape. It wasn't until Disgrace had been out for over a year or more that I bought a real copy and saw Newsteads picture. Before that I had only thought. Wow the bass is really good on this (Doomsday) and then I see his picture and was blown away that he could really really play. You wouldn't have known just by Metallica.
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I only had Doomsday on tape too but they were a band to me not Jason's band so him leaving wasn't a huge deal. Then when Jason joined Metallica all I seemed to remember reading was Jason from F&J. There was none of those ideas like there has been with Gary and Exodus. I don't remember thoughts of will he or wont he return. Is he just filling in? What will happen to F&J? Etc. It was just Jason has moved on and now he's in a very popular band, both bands will continue.
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Listening to over breakfast. On first listen it's not as great as Shatter Existence (and their Ghostbusters cover) but it's pretty solid old school thrash. Much better than their last album nearly 30 years ago. Will see how subsequent listens fairs it.

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