The what's going on in Thrash thread

I just read his rant and all I ca say is WOW! what a choad. If I was a Machine Head fan and wasn't embarrassed by that fact before I for sure would be now. Showing his true colors.
I think we've kinda been over this before. The only MH I have is The Blackening. It came along when there wasn't much to get. One the metal shows at the time played it. It had some instrumentation and solos and good drums. So I got it. Upon listening something was bothering me but I wasn't sure what it was. I played it for my friend who was kind of new to metal but I'd played him The Gathering and Megadeth and stuff.
And his first take just nailed it. "It sounds like he's trying to hard" Bam that's exactly it. The band was good but the vocals and the lyrics just seem fake. He's trying way to hard to sound tough and aggressive. It's all cliché and no substance. Just a fake ass poser.
Mind you. This is the album MH head fans site as one of their best and most metal lol.
I never payed attention to them when I saw pictures in the 90's. He had corn rows and was in full Adidas track suit and saying yo.
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I'm not surprised I never got into them with such a description :)

Although I have to say one thing they didn't have in their favour was the time they started. For me around that time I was working flat out having just started my own business and I didn't have time for a lot of music. A lot of what I did listen to in the last few years of century wasn't even metal because my 'metal circle' had pretty much fallen apart and lost the love for metal. I never totally lost it but the live scene where I was definitely wasn't as heavy and just going to a pub meant not listening to much more than hard rock.
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I was pretty lucky in my circle, everyone still liked metal. Some were listening to other stuff, but also listening to metal. Some of it was ok but mostly I'd role my eyes lol. There were a few times I was a metal island unto myself, and I cranked that shit. I literally listened to The Gathering every day until TFOD came out.
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My biggest issue (from about 94) was I was running an internet cafe/computer shop up to 10 hours a day and blasting metal wasn't really something that attracted customers. Then when I was out coaching or playing indoor sports it was on the court or in the bar where rock was the main diet. Then on the nights I wasn't completely ruined and went out it was the same pub rock crowds, metal rarely came to the country. Then by 2000 I moved to Sydney and had a shitload of metal at many venues but no one to go with. I went to a few gigs here and there but mostly only those close enough to walk home or get a cab.
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Sydney is full of snobby pricks that think living there puts them above the rest of the country. It's where the money was when it came to computer security in the late 90's and early 2000's so that's why I went there. It's overcrowded and people are like robots. But as a tourist place it's great, there is heaps to see and there is a lot to keep people entertained. I just don't know why people would want to live there. Melbourne, the latte sipping capital of the country, is bad enough but it's nothing on Sydney.
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Ah, gotcha. Well I've certainly been to some of those places in the US. That does suck though. It's funny I think we get an idea here that there's not really such a thing as a snobby Australian. Like you're all down home friendly. Which is of course stupid lol. But that's pretty much all we see.
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The advertising is working then :)
I'm sure every country has their snobby areas just like they have their slums it's all in how it gets shown. If we showed the slums to the world we couldn't also focus on all the animals that will kill you win you visit because we don't can't a double negative. :)
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Indeed it is. Actually it's two extremes - down home friendly and Mad Max bad guy crazy. We don't get much in between :)
Kind of how Russians think all Americans are cowboys.

Lol! Holy crap. It's funny you brought that up. I think about all those animals whenever I see anything about Australia. I'd be completely paranoid visiting certain places around the world :p
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Well Russians are all trained killers and assassins!

I live in the country, a few hours from the closest major city, and I can't remember the last time I saw an animal that could kill me, other than the other road users that is. I don't even remember seeing a dog I couldn't take out :)
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I was spraying spiders the other day and I swear one came out and looked at me like he was questioning what I was doing. He was only a small one, barely 6 foot across the body. :p
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The biggest I've ever seen with my eyes is about 6 inches across the legs and it was crawling up my leg. My friends used to live in Western Australia and they reckon they had spiders as big as a bread and butter plate, but I've never seen them that big. Even the tarantula the dickhead boyfriend of a girl I lived with in Sydney wasn't much more than 5 inches across the legs.
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We've got one big one in the Northeast here but not as big as that. We've got some pretty big tarantulas in places like Arizona and that part of the country. Thank god that's a long way from here! We do have black widows but I've personally never seen one. Fingers crossed!
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We have redbacks and white tails which are everywhere and they are tiny with makes them hard to pick some times but thankfully although both are poisonous they are also very treatable. Spiders like the Funnel web are big and also treatable but their venom is more dangerous. I don't believe we have any venomous tarantula's here, they aren't native, the really only turn up here as pets, which does take a sick person to own one.
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Yeah I'm not a fan of them but I also don't fear them, they are like snakes. I expect them to be around and I try not to disturb them but if they become a problem around the house they get dealt with accordingly.
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We get a lot of brown snakes and red belly black snakes around here, both are venomous but you learn to live with them. When I was growing up we had a Jack Russell that would take out any snake before we even spotted it, he was an amazingly protective dog.
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