The what's going on in Thrash thread

Nah it's a fucking Download Festival. They have been here before to similar festivals, not sure how many times but I don't think they have ever played their own gigs. Tickets are $195 and so far (and it is early days, show was only announced today) there is only two bands I would consider and that is Testament and Alestorm...oh that's if I don't include such classic bands as My Chemical Romance, Deftones and Jimmy Eat World who are headlining.
Oh crappy. I was hoping they were headlining for the new album. Fuck what sad times we live in when that's who's headlining Download!
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A mate of mine bought several Bronx Casket Co albums a few weeks back and he's finally let me borrow them. There is four in total and so far I've listened to the first one only. So far the music has it's moments and I don't hate it but I don't think I'd buy it. I know it's supposed to be gothic metal, maybe even doom, but the guy's vocals bug me, he just doesn't appear to fit with the music.
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Wow I didn't know they had gotten to four albums. I bought the first one when it came out before I'd heard anything. I couldn't get into it but I can't remember why other than it wasn't very fast or heavy.
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No it's very doomy, but the vocals just don't fit. As for the cover of Jump In The Fire...sheesh no wonder James needs rehab!!
The albums don't get much better, I will be sending back soon. TBH I'm only listening to them because of DD but the good stuff is hard too find. I will give the last album a bit more of a listen because apparently they got rid of the vocalist and DD took over, but I'm still not hopeful.
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I do remember that was one thing that really disappointed me. I was expecting some really upfront monster bass stuff. To my recollection it doesn't really have that does it?
Yeah Jump In The Fire is awful.
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Nah the gloom and doom is all keyboards or guitars, there is almost nothing about the bass that sets it apart from any other band.
I struggle more with the vocals, I don't listen to a heap of doom type stuff but this guy almost sounds like he's reading a horror movie script at times, not singing. He did sing with the Misfits before BCC so maybe there is something in that.

Check out the pics Metal Achives have for DD

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Hahaha. I would never have guessed that was him! Yeah I don't remember anything specific about the singer except thinking the vocals were weak. And I 'm not going to put my cd in just to remember lol.:p
I remember the cd packaging was cool though and looked like it had more money put into it than any Overkill I have.
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He was in a band called Lubricunts from 1978 - 1980 according to Metal Archives. I'm going to assume that bad spelling and bad attire go hand in hand and that other shot was from his first band :)

Antihero, the last BCC album with DD doing vocals is a marked improvement on the other three. It's not straight down the line thrash but the shitty vocals are gone, DD doesn't do a bad job singing. The songs are better, some are a bit faster, they are all heavier and more upbeat, there is still some filler on it but if Antihero was your introduction to BCC you'd probably give the band a chance. It's the only album I'd consider owning. The cover of My Way and Death On Two Legs are way better than Jump In the Fire.
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Sodom released an EP a few weeks back and there is another coming in two weeks.
Only one new track on this one and a couple of older re-worked tracks but the new song isn't bad. it's typical Sodom, typical Tom Angelripper.

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Spanish band Crisix who have released some killer thrash albums dropped a covers album yesterday call Session #1 American Thrash
The covers of Vio-lence's World In A World, Demolition Hammer's Infectious Hospital Waste and EvilDead's The 'Hood I'm not hugely familiar with but they sound okay.
However they do cool versions of Toxic Waltz, Chalice of Blood (Forbidden) and COTLOD (Testament). But their covers of Imitation Of Life complete with a thrash growl and Nuclear Assault's Critical Mass are brilliant. I'm going to have to go and get all my Nuclear Assault albums out now!
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Spanish band Crisix who have released some killer thrash albums dropped a covers album yesterday call Session #1 American Thrash
The covers of Vio-lence's World In A World, Demolition Hammer's Infectious Hospital Waste and EvilDead's The 'Hood I'm not hugely familiar with but they sound okay.
However they do cool versions of Toxic Waltz, Chalice of Blood (Forbidden) and COTLOD (Testament). But their covers of Imitation Of Life complete with a thrash growl and Nuclear Assault's Critical Mass are brilliant. I'm going to have to go and get all my Nuclear Assault albums out now!
Never heard of them but I'd like to check this out!
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They just don't make band names like they used to!

That sounds ok. I didn't know he did vocals for it. I need to check it out. :kickass:

I can't imagine too many record companies jumping to put that name on a record sleeve these days :)

I wouldn't be rushing out to buy it, (I think it's on YT anyway) and I wouldn't expect that much from it but as far as BCC albums go Antihero is definitely far above the others.
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I'll have to check this in a bit, thanks. :headbang:

Give them long enough they'll release another EP :) No idea what is with two EP's in weeks and an album in January but thankfully they aren't all originals so they aren't bth must buys given the main songs are on YT
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Bloody kids pulled the PS2 off the shelf and jammed the CD tray into the prick of a thing.
Never thought I'd have to get this intimate with a PS2. :(
It wasn't a difficult fix but it does appear the only scenario Sony never allowed for was a CD drawer to be stuck open because the top cover has to lift off and tilt over to the right so the ribbon cable doesn't beak because it can't be disconnected until the lid is off. With the drawer half open the lid doesn't come off. It takes a little persuasion and hoping you don't force it too much and break it but it really is one of those 20 second fixes that takes 10 minutes to get to and 10 minutes to put back together.
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