The what's going on in Thrash thread

Yeah it could have been a deliberate move for clicks.
Not that it will change anything but I hope Blabber commentors do follow that prick's sales and they spam his sales posts with the truth so that no one gets suckered into buying the guitars at a massively inflated price.
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Anacarusis are getting a re-release today. Haven't checked it out yet so I don't know if it's only digital or physical releases but I wonder if they might come out at a cheaper price for those needing to add to their collection.
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Another one you will surely be interested in that is being releases today is the Three Tremors :)
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Everyone is trashing this, but I like it. Not for that price of course. that's just stupid. and also I don't really like that red design.
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Everyone is trashing this, but I like it. Not for that price of course. that's just stupid. and also I don't really like that red design.

Not sure what that red thing actually is.
I remember reading all the rabid bullshit a few weeks ago when it was announced that King would do a special run of guitars. Some were about how Dean guitars are shit but most were derogatory comments about King. I think as much as Slayer are popular people just love to hate on anything King does. Whether that's because he's agreed to take their favourite band away, because they kept it going without Jeff, or just that they don't like Kerry it really seems out of place considering the praise Slayer usually get.
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Yeah I don't really understand their logic. Megadave cops shit because he's been a mouthpiece and often made himself look silly, fair enough some of it's probably deserved even if it's old news. Ozzy cops it because of Sharon, like these people have been personally screwed over by Shazza. Now Kerry's copping it for who knows what reason. At the same time a dickhead like KK gets praised for everything he does and says when most of what he says is pure horseshit.
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Oh yeah, we had a woman's rights advocate today tell the media that while the current bushfires are bad we have to realise that when the fires are out some of the fire fighters are going home to beat up their wives. It's honestly amazing some of these people can function with so few brain cells.

I'll use the avatar as my signature as well and your see it twice :p
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Oh yeah, we had a woman's rights advocate today tell the media that while the current bushfires are bad we have to realise that when the fires are out some of the fire fighters are going home to beat up their wives. It's honestly amazing some of these people can function with so few brain cells.

I'll use the avatar as my signature as well and your see it twice :p
Holy crap! We had the same shit last year!

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