The what's going on in Thrash thread

I do wonder if the reunion will happen. Mike's a pretty good talker but he's not always a man of action.
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More book news. Not sure if I want to read this or not. Chris might have been good, he might still be good but he was never my favourite in the band. Still the mere mention of a book and its title gets the commentors revved up. I do like the way the commentors reckon Jnr will be on Dave's shit list again since his company is producing it.

I don't really know, or I've forgotten, what happened between Dave and Chris all those years ago but I'd hope Chris has a lot more to write about than just talking about a shit fight with Mustaine 30 years ago.
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I'd read it to learn more about the early days.

As I remember it Chris and Gar were extra stoned on H all the time and every time Dave and Jr would go in there would be more and more equipment gone that they had pawned to get drug money.
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If that's the case it how will he remember what happened? Not everyone can have 100% recall of their days on heroine like Nikki Suxx can.
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I honestly don't know how heroin effects the memory. If your high on it I could imagine not remembering. But jonesing and stealing equipment to get high..and getting fired. I'd imagine you'd remember that. Plus they did it more than a few times and I'm sure he has had others tell him the stories of things he doesn't remember form the very beginning.
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I'm sure plenty of people remember things, there is always one sober person hanging around to remind those drunk or stoned :)

I've no doubt there is some truth to any story a musician tells, even a stoned one, as to how much truth there is that's in the eye of the beholder.

The only downside of such stories is when both sides see the need to retaliate. Like I said when Nick Menza's book came out, he has the right to tell his story and tell it the way he wants to but the last thing the world needs is for that story to create a shit fight. For me that taints any memories good or bad. Shit happens, we all have regrets in life, but restarting a fight from 40 years ago is something no one needs.
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The commenters would be lost without their weekly Dave hate sessions.
Maybe they have contacts with all the ex members of Megadeth and they are ready to talk about tell all memoirs when the time is right. In the quiet times they revert back to reminding us Jnr is a salaried worker. :)
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Oh yeah I forgot about that. Maybe no one actually listens to Dave's radio show so no ones been able to report on it.
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This was posted on Atrophy's FB page (because they have nothing better to do like write new music)

I had a quick skim through, sounds alright. Apparently they are from Sweden and have three albums out. Think I might have to check them out a bit more after lunch.
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Cool I'll check it out tonight! :kickass:

Man! Did you hear about the python who grabbed that 4 year old kid in Queensland? Freakin crazy! I think the craziest part is that even after the father attacked it and bent it's jaw back and punched it and pulled it off that it was still trying to get the kid!
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No I hadn't heard that story and it happened two days ago, guess my news skills are lacking :)
That's bloody amazing though. I honestly don't ever remember hearing about something like that happening before. Our snakes are usually hit and run type predators.
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Yeah I'm surprised. I almost asked if you'd heard about it as a joke :p
Insane. That snake must have really wanted that kid to keep going after him instead of trying to escape. Nightmare. 15ft long. The dad's lucky he acted when he did. I wonder if the snake could have swallowed him? It looked longer than it did wide.
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My wife reckons she thought it was a joke when she first saw it, then when she realised it wasn't she decided she didn't want to see the pictures. I on the other hand wanted to see the pics...well not of the kid.

I have no idea what the snake thought he was going to do with something so big. They aren't known for taking food back and eating it but a four year old is a damn big mouthful and I don't reckon it could swallow something that big.

We've decided that because the snake was from Queensland where there is lots of cane toads the snake had just licked a cane toad and it was on a trip and had no idea what it was doing. :)
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