The Where The Fuck Are You Thread

This is the worst thread ever. And I mean that in the best possible way :lol:

Sitting in my parents' basement listening to Megadeth
Futon, naked. Just crawled out from under my tanning bed (psoriasis is trying to flare up again). armpits stink. Shower time!
today at work a U2 song came on the rock station, so i said "fuck this shit" and walked over to the radio and changed it to the classic rock station, and they were playing a newer U2 song. you win this one, radio bastards.

back from a long walk in the woods, listening to Fen's debut. snow was falling on and off throughout the trek. recently laid off, so i'm using this time to clear the mind and reflect before seeking new employment ventures.
At school. Alone with my fruit snacks.

it does suck. grocery shopping is one of my least favorite things to do.

i am on a one-hour break from planting thousands and thousands of flowers. drinking as much beer as i can within this hour.
Grocery shopping rules, but I didn't appreciate it until I was in my 30s. Gonna do that later today, I'm excited.

In my teenage years, Software Etc. was my candy store. In my 20s, indie music outlets. Now in my 30s, FOOD.

I think I have always had my shopping priorities correct for my given age bracket. Not sure about the 40s yet.