The Where the Fuck is Everyone Thread

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
For realz. I'm posting and I'm at work. Come on people. We need some new members. Preferrably some fake ones.
used to date a chick from Ohio ... i think the fact that she was from there and I would eventually have to visit her family weighed heavily into my decision to break up with her.
Busy as a motherfucker doing absolutely nothing of significance. But now I'm listening to Megadeth and drinking and thusly end up here.
Ohio is one of those states that I have never been to but will continue to judge regardless.

HAHAHA!!! I was the same way before I moved here (and I still judge it, I just have supporting data)...specifically the metal scene. In the early 90's I called it the great bandwagon state because the demos coming out of here all sounded like something else...and that was when Death Metal was still pretty young.
The wife and I are very seriously thinking about moving back to Ohio :lol:
I've already begun the application process for a nursing license there