The "which demo are you worshipping" Thread


First demo never grabbed me, the second one is definitely one of the tightest and best-produced demos I know of, but I'm a little iffy on it. The leads and drumming are great, but the sometimes riffs seem a little too light in an Iced Earth kind of way, and I don't like the vocalist's talk-sing approach at all. Definitely one of the more interesting and ambitious demos out there though.
I keep going back to this demo by Nuclear Winter. It's pre-Dead Congregation so you know it's going to be top notch death metal, really wish they would play the first track live one day.

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Secrecy was such a great band

The first Wotan demo, Welcome to the Asgard Kingdom, is some really cool stuff. Epic Italo metal, dirty speed/thrash, and some first-wave black metal themes all rolled into one. Unfortunately they went in an increasing death metal direction with each further release and lost their charm by the end.