The "which demo are you worshipping" Thread


First demo never grabbed me, the second one is definitely one of the tightest and best-produced demos I know of, but I'm a little iffy on it. The leads and drumming are great, but the sometimes riffs seem a little too light in an Iced Earth kind of way, and I don't like the vocalist's talk-sing approach at all. Definitely one of the more interesting and ambitious demos out there though.
I keep going back to this demo by Nuclear Winter. It's pre-Dead Congregation so you know it's going to be top notch death metal, really wish they would play the first track live one day.

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Secrecy was such a great band

The first Wotan demo, Welcome to the Asgard Kingdom, is some really cool stuff. Epic Italo metal, dirty speed/thrash, and some first-wave black metal themes all rolled into one. Unfortunately they went in an increasing death metal direction with each further release and lost their charm by the end.


The first Wotan demo, Welcome to the Asgard Kingdom, is some really cool stuff. Epic Italo metal, dirty speed/thrash, and some first-wave black metal themes all rolled into one.

Woah. I somehow missed this when you posted it.
This is cool man. I like that sound as if they might derail and fall apart at any moment.