The "which demo are you worshipping" Thread

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Besides the stuff I posted in the grindcore thread, these are my demo highlights of the year. Didn't bother to post Teleport either since everybody knows it already.

@HamburgerBoy @Talos of Atmora @RadicalThrasher I think you guys might dig the Miscreance demo. Technical death/thrash from Italy, tons of potential, exciting demo all the way through.

Fatal Agent play a pretty classic style of 80's speed/thrash with a vocalist that gives it a kinda Suicidal Tendencies/Cryptic Slaughter vibe or something.

Blooming Carrions play ugly Finnish death metal that I think will develop into something cool, once they learn how to cut back on filler and unnecessarily padding out songs.
Damn, that Miscreance is borderline Atheist clonery but it's near-perfect. I thought it was actually from the mid 90s. Great stuff. Fatal Agent is sounding pretty legit-oldschool as well although the vocals aren't my style.
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Crimson Evenfall - Winterheart
Black metal from Finland.

Mythos - Moulded in Clay
Death metal from Finland. Crushing.

Azath - Demo
Death metal from the US. Savage.
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Fuzzy noisecore formed by Francisco and Matt (Thy Feeble Saviour and Blaspherian) with Steve-o from Impetigo sharing vocal duties.
^ Meant to listen to that when you posted it last week but forgot, sounds really good.

It's a shame they stopped here, this demo distills Prophecies... down to only its greatest moments.
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