The "which demo are you worshipping" Thread



I've been looking for a full demo from these guys for close to 15 years and finally something has surfaced. On first impression, does not disappoint, singer's got a super mean raspy voice and there's a good balance of solid riffing and campy over-the-topness. Almost Razor meets Hell or something. Now I just need to hear the other 6-odd tapes.
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Still a fan of their first four albums but the Death/Mantas demos are their best sounding recordings in my opinion. Has more of a raw, Hellhammer flavor to me.

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I'm not crazy about the Mantas stuff (though tbf it's been ages) but the Mutilation demo and the Infernal Death demo are fucking killer. I'd love to hear the Leprosy Demos tape released after Scream Bloody Gore but I don't think it's ever been uploaded anywhere or reissued.
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Found these guys by accident looking up a Terminal Death song. Super vintage 1984 Bay Area with lots of obvious Exodus influence. Unfortunately it cuts out in the last song.

Sounds a bit ahead of the curve for 1992 imo, definitely some Deicide influence but also blackened sounding elements too, while maintaining a fairly tight and clean sound, and without losing the ability to write a good breakdown. Ticks a bunch of boxes.
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