The "which DT forum member am I ?" game

Uh, blame it on the long and hard day at work, or the somewhat disappointing meeting I had just a while ago (or both of them, plus probably yet some other things), but I'm now going to type a little off-topic rant about a subject I usually pay little attention to. My apologies for that.

I usually enjoy the humorous pictures posted to forums, and I rarely find that kind of jokes annoying at all, but this particular picture:


...makes me feel a bit uneasy. You know, I worked a lot with handicapped (and yes, retarded) young people last year, and during that time I realized how utterly prejudiced I had been against that kind of people - while I had always thought (and felt unfounded pride for that) I was free of such prejudices. I did get rid of some of those, but I surely have some still, lingering somewhere at the back of my mind. Getting to know those wonderful, humorous and generally very open-minded personalities was a very nice experience and I have only fond memories of that time.

Now, I'm not accusing anyone for using the above picture in a funny way here, but it just makes me think, how damn much those handicapped people must face negative attitudes from ignorant people in their lives - attitudes that these kind of funny pictures won't certainly help to remove. I see true, heartfelt joy at the face of that young boy in the picture (joy that even the thrice-damned American flag can't ruin) - and knowing that the very same boy will be laughed at all over the world for expressing that joy and for being what he is, is just... sad.

A rather useless, almost holier-than-thou rant, I know, but I just felt like typing it. I'll get to some more important things like the next-round Survivor polls later today (yeah, those should have been up for some days already, I've really been too busy, sorry).

@villain: i don't want to sound too generic, but isn't it the same with pictures about homosexuality, fetishes, and the likes? aren't all these categories the butt (ahem) of practical jokes quite often?
while i certainly wish for the complete and utter integration of homosexuals in any society, and while i've been working with handicapped people myself, i call a desire to do away with simple jokes and pranks on those subjects an exaggeration.
Rahvin: Yep, on the "rational" level of thinking, you are absolutely right. However, in this particular "issue", at the particular moment, my gut-feeling just disagrees with that reasoning.

Now that I try to think and find the reason for my feeling, I come to the conclusion that perhaps what I find most disturbing is the way of ridiculing that boy's expression of happiness - if it were just a picture of him with the text "you're retarded" I probably wouldn't feel as bad for him. Most of the handicapped people I worked with had great sense of humor and high enough self-esteem to laugh at themselves, when around familiar people (one of them calling another "youurre tooo retuurded" [poor translation] was exceptionally hilarious to all involved!). However, a few of them were extremely nervous and shy when they were supposed to talk with unknown people or when they had to express anything in public. IMHO, it takes far more courage to stutter your name and stand up in front of an unfamiliar crowd when you are retarded and don't know what to expect, than to, say, go to war. Making fun of such courage just doesn't make me laugh.

But as I said above, this was just a rant, not something to be taken too seriously.

*hooray for Villain* :)

there are some points in that discussion, like rahvin said, but on the other hand I appreciate it very much that you care and that your personal experiences changed your view.
Actually I think every experience with subjects in real life can make you change the point of view - so it is good that you especially see the more neglected points in the discussion because of your chose or a subject of work which is also caring for other people. =)
(I don´t know if this is any unclear, but I guess you understand what I mean )
Hearse: Yeah, it's always fun vs. harm in humour. To exaggerate it a bit, it would only be ok to crack jokes about yourself if one always has to show maximum respect to the subject of the joke. Respect is good, but humour is definitely needed. :err:
Fireangel: Thanks for the support!

Hearse: Yep, as I said, I usually feel that way as well. For some odd reason (and I'm still trying to make it perfectly clear for myself), this just made me feel bad. I wouldn't call it anyone's problem, except mine.

Child of Time said:
I just hope that noone thinks I'm a mayor asshole now for posting that image.
Uh, not me at the very least - and I thought I was quite clear when I said I don't accuse anyone of anything. However, to avoid all further misunderstandings: I don't think there's absolutely anything wrong with what you did - the negative side in this (were it lack of sense of humour or utterly hypocritical state of mind, or something else) is in my head, not in yours.

Nevertheless, I'm feeling much better about this now, and I guess it is partly because I wrote what I wrote yesterday - cleared my head a bit, so to speak.

Child of Time said:
Oh crap... I just hope that noone thinks I'm a mayor asshole now for posting that image. :( I had no bad attentions with it, except for joking a little with DiM then.
CoT: being pro Villain´s explanations doesn´t mean I would be against you. I saw that photo tons of times used in the last months; and I know you are a nice guy (and I think the others know that aswell). Still I was glad that also someone spoke in favour of the other opinion, because it is worth to think about what Villain said. :)