The Whining and Bitching Thread

Hey guys, I've been playing the guitar for about 6 months (26 december) and I can already do the main riffs from COB- Lake bodom , Follow the reaper , bed of razors, everytime I die and a few solos and of course other things (by "I can do" i mean without mistakes) and I want to ask if that means i can call myself a good player and start a band , having in mind the time I have played?
You a great man, great learner and posted in great thread. Do you already have a name for the band in mind?
No cause the drummer who was interested was very unserious and everything got screwed and I am moving from the small city I live in to the capital of Bulgaria :) and I hope I find someone there and I think all members should decide together
Yes that's for sure. I hope things go fine in Budapest and you will find someone who learns as fast as you. Looking forward to hear your record.
Thats because you guys thought "hey, there are places in the world that have people!, but they are inferior to us so we can attack them and settle there!"

So I guess its best you didn't learn about it.

We learnt all about that. We did not learn about the American independence thing though.

Americans love 'rebelling' against Britain, but these days it doesn't really wash.
well I just mean the bart simpson thing were you seem to think were some snobby group of individuals

:Smug: I've actually never seen the Simpsons before. But I guess it's probably a better representation of the average american than I am, since I'm kind of strange.

But I still don't actually know anyone who would go so far as to say that Britain is collectively some group of snobby individuals.
Nope. I know what it is, but I've never watched it. Unless you count that one time when I was like 10 or something and the opening credits came on the TV and then my stepmom yelled YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO WATCH THAT.

Other than that, nope.
Admit it that you watched gay sex on the internet. If you do, then use the zombie smiley to admit you liked it.