The Whining and Bitching Thread

The thing is I doubt that any real life British person gives a shit. I think it would be cool if we had won but I don't have a problem with reality.

Not really.
I'm more aggravated about the pussy americans "We saved your ass in the World Wars". Fuck off did you.

So I guess its best you didn't learn about it.

Oh no. We learn about the awesome stuff.
Like how the sun never set on the British empire and stuff, and the trade triangle. Just not how the yanks gained independence.

I don't love rebelling against Britain.

Then you're british. Move here and be happy.

I support gay marriage as long as both chicks are hot

My best mate has a lesbian cousin. he went to her wedding. They're actually both quite hot.
I'd like to know what percentage of porn-grade lesbians are actual lesbians and aren't just getting paid to do it.

I would imagine a lot of the really hot women in lesbian porn are bi and would just go with whoever can do it right if you catch my drift.

Lesbians seem to moan about 'lesbian porn' for men so presumably they aren't queuing up to act in it.

There are a lot of really really girly lesbians, some of them are attractive, some are normal. thing is if a girl has sex with another girl one night she can still marry a man if she ever feels the urge.
This fucking sucks. My right ear is blocked up or something. I just woke up with it also. I know there isn't any water in it either, because I haven't gone swimming in a while. And I took a shower in the morning, not at night.
Normally it lasts for only a couple to a few days. It would block up every once in a while yesterday, like if I would put my head down to lay down. But then last night I went to sleep, it closed up or something, and I couldn't open it. A
I support it becasue it is opposed from a purely religious stand point. The government has no right to deny them the right because a certain dominant religion thinks it's wrong, or because a bunch of immature fucktards think it's icky.
The government denies it not because of religion (as far as I know) but because they are prejudiced. And they say that gay marriage would "destroy the institution of marriage". Marriage sucks anyway.
I think marriage is stupid. I'm not getting married when I'm older. I'm not having a woman take stuff that I earned with my hard work because our relationship didn't work out.