The Whining and Bitching Thread

My throat is dry today, thanks to the fucked up weather we've been having here and bad allergies. :mad: I have this real tickly cough that won't seem to go away.
Fuckin' a. My allergies have been worse since I came back from a trip to North Carolina.
I'm tired of allergies as well. This shit has been going on for years and nothing works for me. The allergist says i'm one of her worst cases.:(

you tilt with the shitty ear down and smack ur other ear
If this doesn't work, try Swimmers Ear Drops.
No, one of the professors at the university tried to get me to sleep with him. :(

I wondered if that's what goes on when I saw what the lecturers are like in the demo thing. Nah. S.H.A.G.S. was a outdoor activities club at a uni though. NO JOKE!

Yeah, so did I. That happened night before last. To be honest, I still feel really upset and betrayed about that, but at least nothing worse happened.

Could've been worse.
A) Locked the door
B) You could've said "What are you doing?"
And he coulda been like
"I don't know about raising you grades, but you certainly make something rise" And nod towards his crotch.
From then on it would've turned into a badly acted, slightly creepy, porno.
Could've been worse.
A) Locked the door
B) You could've said "What are you doing?"
And he coulda been like
"I don't know about raising you grades, but you certainly make something rise" And nod towards his crotch.
From then on it would've turned into a badly acted, slightly creepy, porno.


Erm, thank goodness that's not how it went.

He isn't my teacher, but a visiting professor of astrophysics who I always talked about science with. He always told me I had a brilliant mind for physics but now I'm pretty sure that was a lie. :(