The Whining and Bitching Thread


all you need are some intro credits that shake about a lot, some REALLY dodgy old technoish music/ supermarket Muzak speeded up to fuck and a scene involving a carphone and a dog.
He isn't my teacher, but a visiting professor of astrophysics who I always talked about science with. He always told me I had a brilliant mind for physics but now I'm pretty sure that was a lie. :(

It's probably true.
Just a lie from him so he could get your humps, your humps, your lovely lady lumps.

all you need are some intro credits that shake about a lot, some REALLY dodgy old technoish music/ supermarket Muzak speeded up to fuck and a scene involving a carphone and a dog.

Get that shit done man.
"Cock Physics".
I'll make millions.
Meh, about my ear situation, I'm just gonna get eardrops. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna try these candles at the Belfast Co-op. You put them in your ear, and it heats up the wax and shit in your ear.
Nae worries.
We just need a bird with big tits, and a willingness to suck anything put infront of her.
I didn't expect you to consent.
Coincidentally that's what Dave says after sex.

Meh, about my ear situation, I'm just gonna get eardrops. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna try these candles at the Belfast Co-op. You put them in your ear, and it heats up the wax and shit in your ear.

Because if palm suction cups, banging, prodding, and picking hasn't done it, the only solution is FIRE.
My fucking Diablo II disk is gone. I hate it when people clean up and put my shit somewhere else and don't even remember where they fucking put it.
You need to use a disk to play Diablo II. I'm surprised they didn't do what they did with WC3 and made it so you don't need it to play anymore.
You need to use a disk to play Diablo II. I'm surprised they didn't do what they did with WC3 and made it so you don't need it to play anymore.
The latest patch (1.12a) does fix that now. I downloaded it a little while ago, after having had the same problem as Feathers & Flames. I finally caved and got the image for the first disk again. I did try and buy it again, but I couldn't find it anywhere local. Perhaps that would be your best bet too, F&F.
Fuck summer classes, and fuck working full-time while you're taking one. I don't wanna do my homework.
I don't wanna do my Chinese homework. Thats why I don't. I audited the course. And I don't care if the teachers hate me. But I do need to take it more seriously since I might be going to school in Hong Kong this fall.
Mandarin. But they speak both there.

edit: I just learned that more speak Cantonese. :erk:
I'll probably be able to take both at the school. Or at least I will pick up some when I go to the city.
Oh, my head is going to explode. Me and my friends partied all night, and we were fuckin drunk to remember anything.