The Whining and Bitching Thread

I had the idea of trying to figure out my philosophy of life, which I could maybe turn into a book if I spent decades on it. But now I wonder if it'd work better as a feature film that's mostly just me rambling at a manifestation of Bloopy. The descent into madness.

Meanwhile, there are now 3 things that may be infinite. The universe, human stupidity, and the amount of drilling required to attach new cladding to an apartment building. 1 year on and they're still going at it here. Bloody hell!

I'd like to see that. Maybe I'd even shell out for it.
Who gave young people permission to decide that death metal can't be melodic? These people always seem to listen to brutal death metal exclusively anyway but it's such a clear attempt to be an elitist about a genre they likely only got into a couple of years ago. Death metal can't be both melodic and brutal? Short answer: Intestine Baalism.

It reminds me of the war metal trend of the 2010s. Totally forced dislike of anything black metal that wasn't Ross Bay Cult and Canadian.
So I've been on this "dating" site for a while and it's one of those ones where you can see who looks at your profile. Usually it's just one time from most people and I'll wind up talking to them for a day or two and then it just kinda fizzles out. Kinda how all of those sites work.

There's this one woman though who will not stay off my page. We exchanged numbers and were getting along fine and then she blocks me all of a sudden for no apparent reason. Reappears about a month later and same drill. Constantly looking at my page, basically trying to bait me into messaging her until I eventually do.

She's done this three times now. It is a real person. She has her profile pictures verified and it indicates on the site that she pays for it. I've seen her Instagram. I've talked to her on the phone. After the third time she unblocked me though I went off on her for it and she responded with a bunch of "you're obsessed with me" "you need therapy" "I'm gonna get off this app because I have a life". Classic attempts at gaslighting. I wasn't having any of it and blocked her myself.

I don't think I've ever encountered someone who behaves like this online before, much less a total stranger. She's pretty so of course I was taking this shit as flattery at first but what a fucking narcissist. 🙄
i haven't really had many bad experiences with online dating, but i think i'm way pickier than most guys are tbh. i don't swipe on people just for looks and basically skip past anyone who doesn't have a bio and at least somewhat interesting profile. i keep an eye on the tinder reddit sub though so i've seen some of the insane shit people deal with on there lol
Right I guess I did know in the back of my mind that this was bad news. I had no intention of meeting her, or at least anytime soon. Definitely not based on looks either because I've talked to plenty of good looking women on this site and none of them held my attention like this. I'm fascinated with toxic people to a fault I think.
Definitely not the first time either. What I've noticed is that people like this is that they're ALWAYS annoying haha. Maybe not all the time but they tend to do things like brag a lot and usually about shit that I don't find impressive anyway. Makes you roll your eyes.
So I've been on this "dating" site for a while and it's one of those ones where you can see who looks at your profile. Usually it's just one time from most people and I'll wind up talking to them for a day or two and then it just kinda fizzles out. Kinda how all of those sites work.

There's this one woman though who will not stay off my page. We exchanged numbers and were getting along fine and then she blocks me all of a sudden for no apparent reason. Reappears about a month later and same drill. Constantly looking at my page, basically trying to bait me into messaging her until I eventually do.

She's done this three times now. It is a real person. She has her profile pictures verified and it indicates on the site that she pays for it. I've seen her Instagram. I've talked to her on the phone. After the third time she unblocked me though I went off on her for it and she responded with a bunch of "you're obsessed with me" "you need therapy" "I'm gonna get off this app because I have a life". Classic attempts at gaslighting. I wasn't having any of it and blocked her myself.

I don't think I've ever encountered someone who behaves like this online before, much less a total stranger. She's pretty so of course I was taking this shit as flattery at first but what a fucking narcissist. 🙄

Just don't use dating sites. Waste of time and emotions.
i hit the jackpot on tinder so anecdotally i don't share in that assessment, but i also know i was lucky and i had some shitty experiences prior to that. it was worth putting up with all of them in retrospect though.
Forgot to mention that this site kinda works like Facebook and her posts were getting more and more sexist towards men by the end lol. I didn't really care about that but then she said something like "now you're just being like every other guy on here blowing up my inbox."

So in other words she's driving men she's talking to crazy by being manipulative and blaming them for it when they get angry about it. Says all I needed to know lol.
Oh, and before anyone jumps in, yes I wish I'd just cut it clean the second I saw red flags. You know, the most mature way to handle it or whatever. Not exactly a common type of person to run into putting it right on display like this though and yes it is a bit cathartic to blow off steam. What can I say? 🤷‍♂️