The whole Mnemic Thing

Sep 16, 2004
So what hapened? Did they just decide "Andy Sneap uses triggers, and we don't want that so we're going somewhere else". I think andy's mix would still be awesome without the triggers. I loved the kick sound on that "enemy of god" studio clip from Kreator (anyone remember that?).

Can't wait to hear the new Cradle of Filth though.:kickass:

Mnemic News
Mnemic mix album with Tue Madsen
August 19, 2006, 07:25:18 AM by Mnemic in .
MNEMIC will enter Antfarm Studios in Aarhus/Denmark with producer
Tue Madsen (Halford, The Haunted)
to begin mixing their 3rd yet untitled album. So far, out of the 13 tracks recorded, the following songtitles are confirmed to appear on the album: Psyko Orgasm, Shape of the Formless and Into The Nothingness Black.

Commented on the band:

"At this point we are still editing vocals and shortly we'll start with keys and samples. As soon as we are done with those, we will be back in Denmark at Tue's studio to begin the mix.

The plan was to mix with Andy Sneap, but we ran into some "technical differences"... TRIGGERS! We do not utilize triggers, and have not been utilizing triggers on the last 2 albums, therefore it did not make any sense to have Sneap mix the album, so we decided to go for an old friend of ours, who understands the band, and has been there with us from DAY 1."

Odd, and annoying. Always thought Mircea was a cool dude, but... having that kind of mentality, and THEN basically shit talking about it on the web, isnt exactly the coolest thing to do. Its not like you cant just try it without triggers, see if it sounds good.. try it WITH triggers... see how it sounds... etc etc... and then come to a conclusion. But, saying that like that, is kind of irritating just to see.
Thanks "J" for reposting the article. I know a drummer in a local band around me that's adament against triggers. We were talking shop and he had very purist approach to it. Me personally i like the cleanliness you get from triggering. each hit is very precise. I used to drive myself nuts trying to tune my 2 kick drums to the same pitch. Same mfg, same heads, hardware, etc.. 2 completley different kick sounds. I try really hard to keep the snare natual but if it sounds like shit i love replacing it. God, i can't wait to work with a professional that has good gear, knows how to use it, and spends the time to make it sound good.


i don't see the problem either way . andy has his style of mixing which we all love , but not all bands want it that way.

it could even be the case of them not using Ddrum triggers just in case and andy didnt' want to take it cos of that , just like he said that almost all his projects have DI guitars for reamping
J the TyranT said:
Odd, and annoying. Always thought Mircea was a cool dude, but... having that kind of mentality, and THEN basically shit talking about it on the web, isnt exactly the coolest thing to do. Its not like you cant just try it without triggers, see if it sounds good.. try it WITH triggers... see how it sounds... etc etc... and then come to a conclusion. But, saying that like that, is kind of irritating just to see.

Meh, it's all symantics without knowing the details man. I just read that on Blabbermouth, and I took it to mean that Andy wouldn't do the mixing without triggered tracks - not that the band were dissing him, more that they felt they'd been dissed by him.

I think you can argue for it either way. As a mixing engineer you want to make sure you can get a great sound, and having triggers is like insurance if you can't get the sound you want. If the bands won't supply triggered tracks, then its down to whether you trust the recording engineer's skill at getting a decent sound - and it's the guy doing the mixing that will get slated if it sounds rank. It's a tough call, but Andy's earnt his reputation and with that the right turn down work that he doesn't want to do, for whatever reason.

But at the same time, as a band it's fair enough if you want to stick by a certain way of doing things - Mnemic are quite an artificial and mechanical sounding band, so keeping everything acoustic and 'real' is probably a reaction to that, and fair play to them if that's how they want to do it. At the end of the day, they're pretty small fry, so it must have taken some balls if they turned down Andy over something like that.

Either way I'm pretty sure their label must be squirming right about now, regardless of idle speculation over the exact details of what happened.

This kind of shit happens all the time. So what? Don't over-analyze it. I'm sure Andy doesn't give a rat's ass.
Gay. I'm disappointed about that. Triggers aren't always necesarry but it doesn't hurt to have the option by simply attaching them and recording them just in case. Mnemic is one of my favorite bands and has been a huge influence on me musically, but that's just silly of them to pass up the opportunity to mix with Andy. Tue Madsen did a great job with them, and I can understand wanting to go with what is familiar, however, I think it's silly that they would dismiss having Andy produce their CD based on his preference for using triggers.
KeithRT99 said:
i've seen them use triggers live. also the kicks on their cd's sound sound replaced.

Agreed about the CDs. And I saw them live for about 5 minutes (ran late to their show with Soilwork and Dark Tranquillity) but I can't recall what the kick sounded like. Horrible house mix for them.
i'm trying to reply to this, but my reply is long, and i get denied... even when i try to break it up in smaller pieces... i can get a sentence or two in and nothing more... after that it says "FORBIDDEN".. etc. etc., blah blah blah
yeah... Mircea has contacted me before as a fan, and i like his band, as well as Tue's production on their material... but yeah, Tue uses samples... Cont.

EDIT: for my full reply read my blog, the top entry "jumping to conclusions" at my MySpace page, here. or you should be able to go directly to my reply at this link.
Dude I wouldn't take any of that too seriously without the context of the whole conversation/interview.

OT: Think about this, though--how different is triggering from using EQ? They're both cheating, changing the sound of the instrument to bring it out in the mix. No one complains about EQ though. Really, how different are they? Triggers are the same drums being played with the same velocity....

Oh, and how about when you add VERB to anything?!! That's more fake than any trigger!! Cmon, these people are primitives and afraid of change.
you know I have to say thats a pretty uneducated post by Mircea. When they told me they wanted natural drums I asked for triggers so I could use them to side chain gates and to make it easier if any replacements were needed. I just makes sense having as many options as possible when it comes to the mix, but hey, if they feel Tue's where they want to go, thats fine, good luck to them.
Andy Sneap said:
you know I have to say thats a pretty uneducated post by Mircea. When they told me they wanted natural drums I asked for triggers so I could use them to side chain gates and to make it easier if any replacements were needed. I just makes sence having as many options as possible when it comes to the mix, but hey, if they feel Tue's where they want to go, thats fine, good luck to them.

Yeah, but Andy, they don't USE triggers. Get with the program dude! haha j/k