The year 666

Billy Steele

Nov 23, 2004
Kingman, AZ
I just had a thought:

What if it were now the year 665, and we still had all the technology and knowledge we have now while going into the new year? I was just imagining all the religious right-wingers rising at once and all the headlines that would be posted.

Plus Moonspell would FINALLY be putting out their DVD, Paradise Lost would be going back to their better style (not that I don't like thier newer stuff as I LOVE Symbol), and Mourning Beloveth, Sentenced, and PoisonBlack will be putting out new stuff.

Also, there would be whackjobs with signs reading "The End is Nigh" with Akercocke standing on the opposite side of the street, grinning ear-to-ear, with signs reading "No Shit". That'd be a great pic.
666?? Oh no...:erk:

*stocks up on bottled water and non-perishables*

Seeing as how I live in Texas, I see parents finding new and inventive ways of killing their children so they can "be with God". They do it enough in 2004, as it is.

And Vito and I will be having lots of sex 9 months prior to June of 666. So we can have an offspring born on the 6th day of the 6th month of the year 666. Oh yeah. :worship:
Um, young lady... we dont use the word 'sex' on this board. The preferred term is 'make whoopie'
And I insist that the name of this unholy love child be Pikachu LL Cool Marchese
Novembers Paul said:
Wow. This is a Vito thread if i've ever seen one!
Right you are sir! My input on this thread would be that we would probably be more of an advanced civilization if religion hadn't interfered with science long long ago. Imagine how much more we would know of the universe and ourselves, if only science was able to grow and and be the better part of our lives instead of religion. Sorry If I offend any people here but this is how I view the world. might give some people a different view on life. Very interesting stuff that is not easily dismissed as fale evidence.
I think we would have been a more advanced civilization if religion hadn't interfered with politics, or any governing body for that matter. Many examples throughout history could be cited here, though I will refrain.

As for acceptable terms for sex, I believe 'skrogging' is also passable.
BlackwaterNymph said:
666?? Oh no...:erk:

*stocks up on bottled water and non-perishables*

Seeing as how I live in Texas, I see parents finding new and inventive ways of killing their children so they can "be with God". They do it enough in 2004, as it is.

And Vito and I will be having lots of sex 9 months prior to June of 666. So we can have an offspring born on the 6th day of the 6th month of the year 666. Oh yeah. :worship:
Usurper Dan said:
Um, young lady... we dont use the word 'sex' on this board. The preferred term is 'make whoopie'
BlackwaterNymph said:
666?? Oh no...:erk:

*stocks up on bottled water and non-perishables*

Seeing as how I live in Texas, I see parents finding new and inventive ways of killing their children so they can "be with God". They do it enough in 2004, as it is.

And Vito and I will be having lots of sex 9 months prior to June of 666. So we can have an offspring born on the 6th day of the 6th month of the year 666. Oh yeah. :worship:
wow I don't even know how to respond to this :oops: