Theocracy Show 10/20 (Jonesboro, GA)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
I meant to post this on here earlier, but we're playing a show with Devane and Halcyon Way at Breakers Music Hall in Jonesboro on Friday night, the 20th. Unfortunately, Josh had a death in the family and won't be able to make it, but we're still looking forward to having a great time. I may end up playing bass, so it may be a disaster, but we'll do our best regardless. :lol:
oh, well whoopty-do....Another Theocracy show that I can't go to cuz it's about 1000 miles from anywhere near me!
Well, go ahead GA....have your fun.....yeah....have your fun without me.....enjoy your daily Theocracy concerts and your medical institutes, and your superstations, and......

Matt Smith said:
I may end up playing bass, so it may be a disaster, but we'll do our best regardless. :lol:

It wasn't a disaster at all; the show was FANTASTIC!!! I think it's safe to say Theocracy picked up a few new fans tonight :worship:

I'm really sorry to hear about Josh's loss; we'll be looking forward to seeing him the next time you're in town.
You guys did GREAT last night! I'm just sorry the turnout was so poor. You can find some pics and thoughts about last night's show over HERE.

Thanks again for playing, and I am sorry for the poor turnout. I feel bad, but I don't know what else to do besides trying to book some shows at the Masquerade. As much as I hate that venue (location, lack of ventilation, etc), they DO usually have a crowd there on the weekends. Then again The 7 Venue might work out better as well. I'll see what I can do about getting a response from them soon. How does that weekend of Dec 16th look for you?

Take care and stay in touch.

Thoughts from a non-Georgian:

1. I've noticed that local shows in GA tend to get posted to this board pretty late in the game. If posted earlier, there's a chance that those of us from elsewhere could make it. For me at least, I've got no problem coming down to GA. One of my good friends from high school lives there and I could kill two birds with one stone: stay with him and see Theocracy! But I'd need a month's notice, to be able to get a decent price on airfare. Something to keep in mind...

2. Any thought of doing a local show very close to ProgPower next year? You've already got a lot of people coming into town for the weekend. If there was a local show the preceeding Wed or the following Sun, I could extend my PP trip by one day.
I like where your head is at Jason... I was spoiled because I saw theocracy at EVERY SHOW they EVER did until this particular one, this one was only a few days before I moved to Minnesota, so therefore I will not be seeing them again for a long time. If you make the trek, I will too.
