Theocracy to Europe!

Wow...i can´t believe Theocracy will come to Europe. But does it have to be Switzerland??? Okay, i always wanted to go to EOR, but it´s a looong drive from Germany and while i have a son since six months our budget shrinked a lot*g*.
Will this be the only gig or will there be others (in Germany maybe)?
Yes! :rock::rock::rock:

I was already planning a vacation to Switzerland in April. I think it just got rescheduled!

And I like Crimson Moonlight too, so bonus.

This is AWESOME news!
YES!!! YES!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I don't believe it, I live in Switzerland and was never expecting to see them!! This is the best news for me all week! I seriously hope I can go.
Oh oh oh!!! This is the best freakin' news ever!!! I'm so going to be there! Even if I have to WALK all the way from Sweden! :D Gonna be so great! See you in Switzerland, Theocracy! Rock on!
It looks like we may have to call for the first official meeting of the International Theocracy Fandom Society. :grin:

I may have to brush up on my Swedish and German (learned German in high school, Swedish in college). I'm not sure I remember much anymore :confused:
You should probably also brush up on your geography ;)

Switzerland is not the same thing as Sweden and most definitely doesn't speak the same languages.
Ha, I was referring to the fact that people from Sweden and Germany said they'd be in attendance (in line with the Fan Meeting idea).

I've been to Switzerland and am quite aware of the four languages spoken there :)
Shimrra, I missed the fact that you live in Switerland and said you'd be there! I guess I could have also said, if we're going to have a meeting, I needed to learn French/Italian/German/Romansh (depending on where you live) ;)

Switzerland rules. I have a friend who lives in Geneva, so free lodging (and French translator) anytime I visit. It makes it much easier to afford a trip there all the way from the US!
The EoR is deep in german Switzerland in any case, but a lot of Swiss have to be forced to speak German, most will just happily roll on covering you with a flood of Swiss German.

Sorry for the misinterpretation though ;)