there must be a way of getting both Primordial and Mael Mordha over to the states


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
1. Primordial + Mael Mordha could very well be the gig of a lifetime. No joke but you will experience every emotion possible between those two bands alone, from feeling distraught through to preparing for war.

2. They are desperate to play to their US fans. All they ask for is airfare and a place to sleep. Between Zod and Gugs I'm sure some floor space can be arranged. Hey, if it's good enough for Nemtheanga...

3. Gwynbleidd can open for both acts and likewise provide the venue. They still need a new CD release party and sfarog & co have access to a bar/stage venue in goddamn Greenwich Village.

4. It's coming up to winter. It's cheap airfare, for most of you to travel into NY and for the Irish to cross the Atlantic. If we put Nemtheanga on a raft now, he'll be over by xmas. But really, let's set this up for January?

5. HC3 'aint gonna happen. Use that money instead to resurrect the idea of an RC gathering and see if we can have Primordial & MM play for us.

6. How much more convincing do you need?
I'd go.

How much would airfare run for them, ya think? Better question, how much would food for Nemtheanga's raft ride cost? He can drink salt water... so we need not worry about that.
Unfortunately, flying all those guys in for a one off would be financial suicide. Sure, there are 8 people in this forum who would love to go. However, unless we're going to sell tickets for $2,000 each, I'm thinking it ain't gonna work.

Unfortunately, flying all those guys in for a one off would be financial suicide. Sure, there are 8 people in this forum who would love to go. However, unless we're going to sell tickets for $2,000 each, I'm thinking it ain't gonna work.


In January, having 10 people fly over to JFK from Dublin would cost approx $4000. If you sold 200 tickets at $20 each, you'd break even.

Do Metal Blade pay for Amon Amarth to come over every 3 months I wonder? Shame they wouldn't have Primordial tag along.

The funny thing is, if Primordial and Mael Mordha decided to play a gig in Ireland together, there's probably a better chance of a bunch of us flying over to Dublin for the weekend. :tickled: