Things said way too often in the studio, I'll start.

Theres a few I've met and they've ended up getting stared at until they behave or gtfo...

Sometimes I can understand why people would rather the rhythm player record the bass...:muahaha:

In college class theres 12 students so when we stare them down they think they got an audiance and start trying to show off.

Their face is priceless when the lecturer tells them we are all waiting for them to shut the fuck up haha.
Other ones I've bore witness to in the studio observing other people...

"I don't want any triggers or samples used" then how about you learn to fucking play!!

"Ah can we just cut those two together?" if either were any good...

"I wanna use my zoom pedal into my roland amplifier, I've got it sounding like metallica" BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
This thread is bringing back memories of why i stopped tracking :D

"I dropped my guitar down the stairs and it's noisy now but I can still use it?"

"We only want to pay $xx dollars, but we really want a "Pro" sound, can you do that?"

"Can we do 10 songs in 2 days?"

"Can you drive our band to the studio, we don't have cars?"

"We don't have all the money right now but can we have the mixes and pay you in a month?"

"We lost our jobs so we don't have the $$ right now"

I think the number one is: " Can you fix that in the mix?"

-After hundreds of sessions i can count the times on my hand that bands bring fresh strings.
-The drummer is almost NEVER prepared with skins sticks etc.
-Drummers rarely tune properly.
"we have no cash for recording drums in a studio, you have to progamm it."

for real though, I can understand money's just a pitty really!
"we have no cash for recording drums in a studio, you have to progamm it."

for real though, I can understand money's just a pitty really!

This one band insisted that their electronic drum kit recording would suffice for the drums. When I got the files they were not midi but in mono- audio :yow::confused:
'I didn't write a solo because I like to be spontaneous and capture the energy'.

Here's an idea.. be spontaneous in your own time, record all your improvisations, and then learn the one you like properly. Then we don't have to do dozens of takes, 4-bars at a time, to find a decent lick, and then a few more for you to actually play it right.
The funniest one for me was:

Phone rings: "Hey, this is xxxxx.. from the band yyyyyy.. We scheduled recording guitar for today.. but my car broke down and I had to take the train.. I have two problems now.. 1.) Can you pick me up from the train station and give me a ride to your recording place? 2.) I brought my own cab (by train) but forgot my guitar... Is this a problem....:tickled:
when you play fast runs youre just hitting any note hey

um no, i know scales and i play notes from them accordingly, very fast

nah man thats impossible, no body can think that fast

"I don't need triggers, that's cheating, I can actually play fast"

I get the feeling some people don't even understand what a trigger is for...
Back when i was in bands before I knew anything, triggers were special kick pedals that had numerous beaters on it and when you hit it once, it had two beaters attacked the head. So theoretically you could 'play' twice as fast.
Actually having people in that go `oh what did you just bump on that eq? yeah that sounded go, go back? ok yeah yeah.. thats it.."
To then proceed and wanting to touch the eq's themselves... holy fuck.

And the not changing anything and then having them say fuck yeah thats much better happens so much too...
One of the band members getting drunk and picking up the audio engineering genius mindset at 1AM when I'm already doing my best not to fall asleep after 14 hours of recording.

"Yeah, you know, I'm not really feeling what you did there, but I have a pretty fucking cool idea in my head. Let me sit down for a moment and I'll show you, and we'll work it together from there."

Honestly. If you were clueless about this stuff in the morning, chances are you aren't the prodigal son of the recording world after sixteen beers either.
Honestly. If you were clueless about this stuff in the morning, chances are you aren't the prodigal son of the recording world after sixteen beers either.

I actually lolled at this one! Unfortunately I was one of the guys who improvised some solos in the studio, did it in about 4 takes usually though.

By the end of recording we didn't even get "again", just stop the track and punch back in :lol:
`those string are old but i think they still sound good...´
´Ill do 3 takes and you fix it later, ok?´
´Let´s do one more take. But now sing in tune´

And I always say to myself while editing drums: ´fuck, i should´ve studied...´