Thinking about a guitar cabinet/speaker impulse project, looking for suggestions


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2007
Hi everyone!

First post here and its a bit of a long one! Anyways, I have recently been using some really great impulse files from GuitarHack and it has me thinking about undertaking a massive project to expand a bit on his work with guitar cab impulses. My idea is to make a large library (that I will share of course!) of a number of different setups, with the idea being to have a large variety of great sounds/gear beyond what is currently available. I am looking for suggestions/requests, and to see how much interest there is in this.

Some specifics on what I am currently thinking
The basic idea is that I am going to get a collection of great gear for a very short period of time (as in over the course of say two weeks), make all the impulses, and turn around and return(MF 45 day return!)/sell off what I collected, hence costing me as little as possible:lol:

Currently I have a Bogner OS 2x12, loaded with a nicely broken in H30 and v30. For guitar oriented mics I have some 57s, audix d3s, and an e609. Preamps and converters I have my trusty soundcraft board and a MOTU 24i/PCI-324.

My plan is to pick up some nice older celestions (pre rola blackbacks/greenbacks or maybe some scumbacks, perhaps some g12-65s), a mesa/celestion mc-90/cl-80, maybe one of those 200watt EVs. In terms of mics, I was going to grab a 421, neumann tlm-193, earthworks tc-30k (used to have a pair, really nice on guitars) and maybe some form of ribbon mic. I am not certain what I am going to pick up for a pre, was thinking maybe the Great River Mercenary edition, maybe some Neve clone, or anyting under $3k from musicians friend. Would probably pickup some for of converter as well as my current rig is only 96kHz, not 192.

So, in conclusion I am interested to hear your thoughts/ideas/requests. In particular I am interested in suggestions for mic pres, and then anything after that would be great! Since GuitarHack already has a killer series with V30s I probably won`t focus too much on them (although I will do the other mics with them). Since I am in the process of moving it probably won`t be until August or so before I can get to this, but I want to start planning now. Sorry for the long post!
I am pretty set on doing this, although I probably won`t be doing too much cab swapping as that will just become too cumbersome since I am in an apartment. The plan is to float it on my credit card for two weeks or so. I figure the hundred or two I lose on shipping/paypal fees will be worth it in the long run!
I think I need to also post this in the main forum so it will get some more responses...
If you are in apartment your impulses won't be that great, you have to know!

And why do you say that? I mean, no its not a completely acoustically treated environment, but that hasn`t stopped me from getting great guitar sounds on disk before. Space isn`t an issue as we have a little over 1800 square feet, and volume won`t really be an issue. I just don`t really see why you feel they can`t turn out?
Mesa 4x12 w/V30's -> Royer121, 421 and 57 -> Avalon 737, Neve Clone or Api Clone as DSS3 said.

They would be 3 great Impulses. :rock: Yeah, I'm greedy. :lol:

Mic setup pic here, just substitute the Cab for a Mesa:

Thanks for the input and your work is what inspired this idea in the first place! I haven`t completely decided if I will snag the ribbon yet, but it is a definitive possibility. The plan is to just float everything on my credit card for a week, so I guess my maximum budget is $18k:lol:

Oh, and speaking of your impulse files, do you have a shot/setup of the fredman micing? I liked what I was getting from those particular impulses so I wanted to include them in this (when I finally get around to it).
I will see what I can find! As I said, it will probably be in August when I finally get around to this as I will be in and out of town for the next month, but the earlier I start planning the better.
I'd check out some return policies... IIRC, Guitar Center doesn't allow returns on mics, and I know MF is the same company.

I checked MF and they don`t mention anything about mics. Also, Mercenary Audio has a pretty damn nice return policy. And if the timing is right, I have no problems snagging something used off of Ebay (especially something like a Royer 121, which seems to sell everytime right between $900 and $950). The only thing I would be worried about would be picking up a used semi exotic mic pre as those seem to be tougher to move when need be. Luckily I should have a nice selection of returnable new things to pick from.

The other thing I am trying to decide on is what amp I want to use for these. I know that a fair number of people on here like to just take the preamp out from a FX send so the power amp section is important, whereas I actually take the line out off of a HotPlate so I already have the poweramp as part of the sound. So, I can use the poweramp of my Makoplex, or a really clean SS reference amp...
In my opinion, the nothing beats a V30, so I wouldn't bother trying different speakers, but YMMV.

Personally, I would focus on different power tubes by using a dedicated poweramp such as the Randall RT2/50 which allows you to use a variety of power tubes and self-bias. After that, you just need a few good mics and mic preamps.

One can always use the standard SM57 or i5 paired with a Neve clone or API, but it goes without saying that it would be great to have some R121 and PR30 impulses. Good luck!

Power Tubes:

6L6 / EL34 / EL84 / 6550 / KT88


Royer R121 / Heil PR30 / Shure SM57 / Audix i5


API A2D / Vintech x73 / A-Designs Pacifica