This board and its member RULE

Jul 28, 2003
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Seriousally. I belong to a few other boards and they are jokes. The misfits board is the worst I have ever seen, its not even a board about music anymore.

Thank god when I come here it is aboput the music, and if someone has an opinion they are not insulted by a bunch of internet toughguys.

Pat all of yourselves on the back
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I've only been around since that one board before the ez-board.
But, you're right. Everyone on here rules!:cool:
It was fuckin rad meeting Tydiggitydaddy. I hope to meet more of you people sometime.......

(I hope to meat Metal Maiden)
Same for me as Tad...board before ezbord. This is one of the cooler boards I go to. board for Northwest Saturns owners who are into performance, my 2nd favorite board, is another board, and that's just mostly random stuff that I post to, but some is technical stuff. are sometimes cool, but sometimes they really get pissed off at each other.

This board is the best I go to. I enjoy it the most, the members here kick ass.
I wish this board just had a tad more fun, just a tad, then we'd be more like the panteraboard minus the dumbfucks. Alex and I, we should be hanging out all the time, but it just hasn't worked out yet. Hanging out with Thraxdude was the coolest. I always run into Justin. I wish I'd run into Brat :)........................
TD said:
I wish this board just had a tad more fun, just a tad, then we'd be more like the panteraboard minus the dumbfucks. .....

I'm Tad. What kind of more fun can I provide? Rowdyness? More porn?
Or do you mean we need more cool guys like megarock and Lord Dickatron?
Seriously, what kind of fun does the pantera board have??
TD said:
I wish this board just had a tad more fun, just a tad, then we'd be more like the panteraboard minus the dumbfucks. Alex and I, we should be hanging out all the time, but it just hasn't worked out yet. Hanging out with Thraxdude was the coolest. I always run into Justin. I wish I'd run into Brat :)........................

man i would defintly be chillin w/ yall constantly but unfortuneately..............whats the problem.......oh thats right, i live in north carolina
ThraxDude said:
I'm Tad. What kind of more fun can I provide? Rowdyness? More porn?
Or do you mean we need more cool guys like megarock and Lord Dickatron?
Seriously, what kind of fun does the pantera board have??
Just go check out the Pantera free zone. People with cool names like "I Fry Kids" post the most asinine, yet humorous topics day in and day out. Today my favorite was "So, I sucked my girlfriend in the ass last night" There is BrownsTowns (another great name btw) "Ho of the Day" all kinds of questions about narcotics and murder. And no a-holes ever delete topics. It is the most senseless waste of a messageboard anywhere ever, and therefore I love it.
You made a typo...fucked not 'sucked'. I don't see why those dudes think hektik is lying......
One time I did a girl in the ass while she had a vibrator in her chonch, what's the big deal?
sick_sick_sicks said:
Seriousally. I belong to a few other boards and they are jokes. The misfits board is the worst I have ever seen, its not even a board about music anymore.

Thank god when I come here it is aboput the music, and if someone has an opinion they are not insulted by a bunch of internet toughguys.

Pat all of yourselves on the back
I never really thought about it before, but you're right. All of the other message boards I frequent all rip you apart if you have a different viewpoint than the group of regulars who all have 20,000 posts each. We don't do that here. We'll tear you apart ONLY if you insult Anthrax, but if you do that, you deserve it.
I think he said it right when he typed sucked rather than fucked. You can't tell me that you've never licked a girl's swollen starfish right after a steamy shower.
AlexStomp said:
I think he said it right when he typed sucked rather than fucked. You can't tell me that you've never licked a girl's swollen starfish right after a steamy shower.

Well, the thread Ty mentioned says "fucked".